Association between oxidative stress and melanoma progression

Autor: Jelena Pantic Bisevac, Ivan Stanojevic, Danilo Vojvodic, Tatjana Banovic, Borko Gobeljic, Ana Djuric, Mirjana Djukic, Ivana Stevanovic, Zeljko Mijuskovic
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Journal of Medical Biochemistry, Vol 37, Iss 1, Pp 12-20 (2018)
Popis: Overproduction of free radicals accompanied with their insufficient removal/neutralization by antioxidative defense system impairs redox hemostasis in living organisms. Oxidative stress has been shown to be involved in all the stages of carcinogenesis and malignant melanocyte transformation. The aim of this study was to examine association between oxidative stress development and different stages of melanoma.The measured oxidative stress parameters included: superoxide anion radical, total and manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase and malondialdehyde. Oxidative stress parameters were measured spectrophotometrically in serum samples from melanoma patients (n=72) and healthy control subjects (n=30). Patients were classified according to AJCC clinical stage.Average superoxide anion and malondialdehyde concentrations were significantly higher in melanoma patients than in control group, with the highest value of superoxide anion in stage III, while malondialdehyde highest value was in stage IV. The activity of total and manganese superoxide dismutase was insignificantly higher in melanoma patients than in control group, while catalase activity was significantly higher. The highest activity of total activity of manganese superoxide dismutase was in stage IV. Catalase activity was increasing with the disease progression achieving the maximum in stage III.Results of our study suggest that melanoma is oxidative stress associated disease, as well as deteriorated cell functioning at mitochondrial level.Prekomerna produkcija slobodnih radikala i njihova nedovoljna eliminacija/neutralizacija putem sistema antioksidativne odbrane, narušava redoks homeostazu u organizmu. Oksidativni stres je uključen u sve faze razvoja karcinoma i maligne transformacije melanocita. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita razvoj oksidativnog stresa u razlićitim stadijumima melanoma.Parametri za procenu oksidativnog stresa su: superoksil anjon radikal, ukupna i mangan superoksidna dizmutaza, katalaza i malondialdehid. Parametri oksidativnog stresa su mereni metodom spektrofotometrije u serumu bo lesnika sa melanomom (n=72) i zdravih kontrolnih oso ba (n=30). Bolesnici su klasifikovani prema AJCC kriterijumu.Prosečne koncentracije superoksil anjon radikala i malonaldehida bile su značajno veće kod bolesnika sa melanomom u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, najveća vrednost superoksil anjon radikala bila je u III stadijumu, a malondialdehida u IV stadijumu. Aktivnost ukupne i mangan superoksidne dizmutaze bila je neznačajno povećana kod obolelih od melanoma u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu, dok je aktivnost katalaze bila statistički značajno veća. Najveća aktivnost ukupne superoksidne dizmutaze bila je u III stadijumu, a mangan superoksidne dizmutaze u IV stadijumu.Zaključak Aktivnost katalaze je rasla sa napredovanjem bolesti i dostigla maksimum u III stadijumu.Rezultati našem studije ukazuju na povezanost melanoma i oksidativnog stresa, kao i na pogoršanu funkciju ćelija na nivou mitohondrija.
Databáze: OpenAIRE