Classical galactosaemia: novel insights in IgG N-glycosylation and N-glycan biosynthesis

Autor: Peter Doran, Catherine Moss, Karen P. Coss, Ina Knerr, Pauline M. Rudd, Maria Fitzgibbon, M. Estela Rubio-Gozalbo, Henning Stöckmann, Kelly Stephens, Britt van Erven, Ashwini Maratha, Patricia Foley, Eileen P. Treacy, Hugh Owen Colhoun, Terri P. McVeigh
Přispěvatelé: RS: GROW - R4 - Reproductive and Perinatal Medicine, Kindergeneeskunde, MUMC+: MA Medische Staf Kindergeneeskunde (9), Promovendi ODB
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: European Journal of Human Genetics, 24(7), 976-984. Nature Publishing Group
ISSN: 1476-5438
Popis: Classical galactosaemia (OMIM #230400), a rare disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, is caused by a deficient activity of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (EC The pathophysiology of the long-term complications, mainly cognitive, neurological and female fertility problems remains poorly understood. The lack of validated biomarkers to determine prognosis, monitor disease progression and responses to new therapies, pose a huge challenge. We report the detailed analysis of an automated robotic hydrophilic interaction ultra-performance liquid chromatography N-glycan analytical method of high glycan peak resolution applied to serum IgG. This has revealed specific N-glycan processing defects observed in 40 adult galactosaemia patients (adults and adolescents), in comparison with 81 matched healthy controls. We have identified a significant increase in core fucosylated neutral glycans (P
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