Exposure Biomarkers and Histopathological Analysis in Pig Liver After Exposure to Mycotoxins Under Field Conditions: Special Report on Fumonisin B1

Autor: Néstor Serra Gómez-Nicolau, V. G. Papatsiros, Ioanna Stylianaki, Michail Letsios, Nikolaos Papaioannou, Georgios Papakonstantinou, Nikolaos Tsekouras
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 18:315-321
ISSN: 1556-7125
Popis: Liver samples from finisher pigs were collected at the slaughterhouses for the analysis of zearalenone (ZEA), alfa-/beta-zearalenone (α-ZE, β-ZE), zearalanone (ZA), alfa-/beta-ZA (α-ZA, β-ZA), aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and aflatoxin M1, fumonisin B1 (FB1), ochratoxin A (OTA) and ochratoxin B, deoxynivalenol and deepoxi-deoxynivalenol (DOM-1). For the analysis liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole coupled with mass spectrometry was applied. Liver samples with detected FB1 were further histopathologically evaluated after hematoxylin and eosin staining. Various levels of liver mycotoxins were detected in all farms. Pig livers with 2.91-8.30 μg/kg of FB1 were detected in three farms, estimate of 850-2400 μg/kg of FB1 intake, whereas 0.54 μg/kg of OTA was detected in one farm, estimate of 75 μg/kg of OTA intake. Moreover, pig livers with 0.30 μg/kg of ZEA, 1.87 μg/kg of α-ZE, and 0.63 μg/kg of β-ZE were detected in one farm, estimate with of 300 μg/kg of ZEA intake. The histopathological analysis revealed that the lesions' grading and necrosis grading were analogously increased when FB1 concentration increased from 2.91 to 4.36-8.30 μg/kg. The severity of megalocytosis was analogously increased with FB1 detection levels and particularly in levels of 4.36-8.3 μg/kg. However, the increased FB1 detection levels did not show analogous behavior with the severity of hepatic cell vacuolization. Results showed that FB1 remained the most critical risk factor in the Greek pig industry, whereas ZEA and AFB1 were also prevalent. The OTA contamination in pig farms raised a high risk for animal and human health.
Databáze: OpenAIRE