Case Report: Diffuse plane xanthoma with low C4 and systemic inflammatory symptoms

Autor: Elena Yeyati, Gabriel Magariños, Alejandro Malbrán, Luz Stella Parra, José G. Casas, Mario A. Marini, Eloisa Malbrán
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Malbrán, Alejandro; Parra, Luz Stella; Casas, José G; Malbrán, Eloisa; Yeyati, Elena; Magariños, Gabriel; et al.(2009). Case Report: Diffuse plane xanthoma with low C4 and systemic inflammatory symptoms. Dermatology Online Journal, 15(4). Retrieved from:
Popis: A normolipemic patient with diffuse plane xanthomas, IgG monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance, low levels of C4, and systemic inflammatory symptoms is presented. Delay from disease onset to diagnosis is discussed.
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