Motivational factors of Employees Job Satisfaction and Mediated Model of Happiness at Work: Evidence from the Telecom Sector of Pakistan

Autor: Rehan sohail Butt, Xuezhou Wen, Rana Yassir Hussain, Sabeeh pervaiz
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4884964
Popis: Exerting motivation towards employees in any workplace plays a vital role in securing organizational goals. Various motivational factors were apprised in business literature and came through knowledge. Among them, work environment, job security, job inspiration and happiness at work are critical when dealing with employees’ job satisfaction. To test the retrospective statement in a structural equation modeling, Pakistan's telecommunication sector aimedat 515 respondents answered. These respondents were given closed-ended questionnaires and emerged in longitudinal information (data) with a six-month lag time. Commonly, most of the time researchers are apprehended with biased problems when dealing with longitudinal data, but luckily, a six months gap is enough to avoid such biased mistakes. Toevaluate the validity and reliability of the respect constructs is nevertheless the partial least square (PLS-SEM). Toward the amazement of a reader, the performed work provides a direct relationship of the work environment, job security and job inspiration with happiness at work. In the same fashion, an indirect relationship is observed with employees’ job satisfaction when dealing with the same analysis. To avoid further complications, the study directly provides a solid path for executives to recognize and appreciate the pleasant work environment, job security, and job intensity to maintain a successful business. It is the sole discretion to implement such policies by business experts, directors, and entrepreneurs in their respective organizations to maintain and achieve their goals for both short and long-term purposes.
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