Potential use of ionic species for identifying source land-uses of stormwater runoff

Autor: Chang-Hee Lee, Dong Hoon Lee, Jin Hwi Kim, Joseph Albert Mendoza, Joo-Hyon Kang
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Water Science and Technology. 75:978-986
ISSN: 1996-9732
Popis: Identifying critical land-uses or source areas is important to prioritize resources for cost-effective stormwater management. This study investigated the use of information on ionic composition as a fingerprint to identify the source land-use of stormwater runoff. We used twelve ionic species in stormwater runoff monitored for a total of 20 storm events at five sites with different land-use compositions during 2012–2014 wet seasons. A stepwise forward discriminant function analysis (DFA) with the jack-knifed cross validation approach was used to select ionic species that better discriminate the land-use of its source. Of the twelve ionic species, 9 species (K + , Mg 2+ , Na + , NH 4 + , Br − , Cl − , F − , NO 2 − , and SO 4 2− ) were selected for better performance of the DFA. The DFA successfully differentiated stormwater samples from urban, rural, and construction sites using concentrations of the ionic species (70%, 95%, and 91% of correct classification, respectively). Over 80% of the new data cases were correctly classified by the trained DFA model. When applied to data cases from a mixed land-use catchment and downstream, the DFA model showed the greater impact of urban areas and rural areas respectively in the earlier and later parts of a storm event.
Databáze: OpenAIRE