Supplemental information for 'Vision and Radar Steering Reduces Agricultural Sprayer Operator Stress without Compromising Steering Performance'

Autor: Travis Burgers
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.13031/20039438.v1
Popis: The document includes: Supplemental methods for analyzing the Drivedb datasets. A description of how steering performance was calculated from the dataset used in Burgers et al. (2021). Table S1: Summary table of pass results by steering type and subject. Tables S2–S4: Segment information, durations, number of stressful events, and stressful event rates for the drive04, drive10 and drive15 Drivedb datasets. These may be useful to replicate the calculation of stressful events. Table S5: A summary of the Drivedb stressful events, total time, and total stressful event rate by dataset. Table S6: Study details of the referenced studies of Figure 8 for steering performance by speed and steering type.
Databáze: OpenAIRE