PHEMTRONICS Open Research Data Pilot- Data Management Plan

Autor: Losurdo, Maria, Gutierrez, Yael, Pernice, Wolfram, Mondreanu, Mircea, Moreno, Fernando, Cober, Christoph, Georghe, Marin, Garry, Guy, Ishchenko, Olga, Soler, Jordi
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5545975
Popis: This deliverable presents the first version of the PHEMTRONICS Data Management Plan (DMP). PHEMTRONICS participates in Open Research Data (ORD) Pilot, and, therefore, is providing, as requested, the current deliverable six months after the beginning of the project (M6, November 2020). The DMP is not a fixed document, but it is likely to evolve during the whole lifespan of the project, serving as a working document. This document will be updated as needed during the Project General Assemblies. The purpose of the DMP is to contribute to good data handling through indicating what research data the project expects to generate and describe which parts of the data that can be shared with the public. Furthermore, it gives instructions on naming conventions, metadata structure, storing of the research data and how to make public data available. During the 36 active months of the project, a SharePoint in the private area of the PHEMTRONICS website will be used as the online working and collaboration platform. SharePoint is only accessible to project partners and can provide further access control through establishing folders and sub-sites with stricter access granted than to the main site. During the project all public datasets will be uploaded to this site and stored in accordance with the privacy strategy of PHEMTRONICS. PHEMTRONICS will use the open research data repository Zenodo to comply with the Horizon 2020 Open Access Mandate. This mandate applies to the underlying research data of publications, but beneficiaries can also voluntarily make other datasets open. In PHEMTRONICS, all deliverables, publications and PUBLIC datasets will be uploaded to the European Commission Funded Research (OpenAIRE) Community in Zenodo. Uploads will be done upon approval of the deliverables by the European Commission, upon publication or acceptance of scientific publications, or, for underlying datasets, at the end of the project at the latest. Each dataset will be given a persistent identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI), supplied with relevant metadata and linked to the project name and grant agreement number. The DMP is a living document and will be updated during the project. The next version of the DMP will put a strong emphasis on the complete definition of procedures to be implemented by the project to efficiently manage its research data in terms of storage and backup (backup provision, recovery procedure), selection and preservation (which data will be retained/shared/ preserved, length of time data to be preserved and preservation preparation time). At the end of the project to reflect the actual research data generated during the project and include updated instructions for how to access open data. The maintenance is the responsibility of the Project Coordinator, supported by the Data Controllers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE