Hadrobolus crassicollis Peters 1855

Autor: Enghoff, Henrik
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5612671
Popis: Hadrobolus crassicollis (Peters, 1855) Figs 66���77 Spirobolus crassicollis Peters, 1855 Hadrobolus crassicollis: Cook, 1897 HOLOTYPE 3 MO��AMBIQUE (MFN) Notes on material. Peters (1855) mentioned two specimens, but Cook (1899) referred to ���the type specimen at Berlin���, and Mortiz & Fischer (1978) listed only one specimen (��� 3 sicc., Syntypus). The available specimen is in alcohol but carries the same number (ZMB 528) as the one listed by Mortiz & Fischer; it lacks the gonopods. R.L. Hoffman has studied the type specimen of H. crassicollis in MFN and made drawings of the gonopods, but the gonopods have since then become lost or separated from the rest of the Berlin specimen. Dr. Hoffman has very kindly placed his original drawings at my disposal, and they are reproduced here as Figs 73���77. The original drawings by Cook (1899) are also shown (Figs 66���72). Diagnosis. see that of genus. Descriptive notes. (based on the studied specimen): As Crurifarcimen vagans except as noted: 56 podous rings, no apodous rings. L ca. 13 cm, B 12.5 mm. 11 rows of ocelli in seven horizontal series, 11 th row consisting of four tiny ocelli. 49���51 oceli per eye (Peters [1855] counted 45, he probably overlooked the 11 th row). 2 + 2 labral teeth, labral setae not visible. Lamellae linguales each with 5-6 distal setae. Collum smooth, no striae, with marginal furrow at anterior margin. Ozopores 1 diameter in front of suture. Legs: length ca. 63 % of body width. Telson as in Crurifarcimen v. but dorsal profile straight. Colour, according to Peters (1855): ���Color faciei rufus, versus partem superiorem in nigraofuscum transiens. Cingulorum pars posterior nigra, anterior aurantiaca. Pedes supra rubri, subtus aurantiaci. Margo prominens squamaeum analium lateralium ruber.��� (Colour of face red, becoming blackish brown towards upper part. Posterior part of body rings black, anterior part orange. Legs red above, orange below. Protruding margin of anal valvs red.) Male coxae 6���7 unmodified. Gonopods (based on Cook 1899 and R.L. Hoffman���s drawings, Figs 66���70, 73��� 77): Anterior gonopod sternum with relatively low, broadly rounded mesal protrusion reaching little more than �� the height of the coxae. Coxae in oral view kidney-shaped, apically broadly rounded, widely separated from each other, extending to aboral side of gonopod where they appear as narrow lateral bands. Telopodites extending well beyond coxal tips, widely separated in midline, apically broadly rounded, mesal margin with large rounded lobe ca. at mid-length. Posterior gonopods with a tracheal apodeme, a stout basal part, a small lateral sclerite (possibly homologous with the intermediate segment in Crutifarcimen vagans), and a slender, arched terminal segment. Terminal segment medio-basally expanded, with several low cusps, ca. at mid-length with large process arising from concave mesal side, process lying close to and following apical curvature of mesal margin. ���Head��� of terminal part in anterior-lateral view with a serrated keel, distal margin of ���head��� with fine fringe. Female unknown. Distribution. Only known from the type locality. Peters (1855) did not give a locality (although he did so for the other species described in the same paper). Cook (1899) gave ���Island of Mozambique ���, Moritz & Fischer (1978) ���Mossambique���. The studied specimen has no original label attached to it. ���Island of Mozambique ��� is a small island situated at 15 ��02��� 30 ������S, 40 �� 43 ��� 50 ������E. It is now entirely urbanized, so the chances of ever collecting topotypes of H. crassicollis are minimal.
Published as part of Enghoff, Henrik, 2011, East African giant millipedes of the tribe Pachybolini (Diplopoda, Spirobolida, Pachybolidae), pp. 1-41 in Zootaxa 2753 on page 32, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.276689
{"references":["Peters, W. (1855) Uber die Myriapoden im Allgemeinen und insbesondere uber die in Mossambique beobachteten Arten diser Familie. Monatsbericht der Koniglichen Akademia der Wissenschaften in Berlin, 75, 75 - 85.","Cook, O. F. (1897) New relatives of Spirobolus giganteus. Brandtia, 18, 73 - 75.","Cook, O. F. (1899) African Diplopoda of the genus Pachybolus. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 21, 657 - 666.","Moritz, M. & Fischer, S. C. (1978) Die Typen der Myriapoden-Sammlung des zoologischen Museums Berlin. I. Diplopoda. Teil 6: Nachtrag zu den Teilen 1 bis 4. Mitteilungen aus dem zoologischen Museum in Berlin, 54, 333 - 343."]}
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