Theory of coulomb drag for massless dirac fermions

Autor: Alessandro Principi, Matteo Carrega, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, T. Tudorovskiy, Marco Polini
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: New Journal of Physics, 14
New journal of physics 14 (2012): 063033. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/6/063033
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:M. Carrega, T. Tudorovskiy, A. Principi, M.I. Katsnelson, M. Polini/titolo:Theory of Coulomb drag for massless Dirac fermions/doi:10.1088%2F1367-2630%2F14%2F6%2F063033/rivista:New journal of physics/anno:2012/pagina_da:063033/pagina_a:/intervallo_pagine:063033/volume:14
ISSN: 1367-2630
Popis: Coulomb drag between two unhybridized graphene sheets separated by a dielectric spacer has recently attracted considerable theoretical interest. We first review, for the sake of completeness, the main analytical results which have been obtained by other authors. We then illustrate pedagogically the minimal theory of Coulomb drag between two spatially-separated two-dimensional systems of massless Dirac fermions which are both away from the charge-neutrality point. This relies on second-order perturbation theory in the screened interlayer interaction and on Boltzmann transport theory. In this theoretical framework and in the low-temperature limit, we demonstrate that, to leading (i.e. quadratic) order in temperature, the drag transresistivity is completely insensitive to the precise intralayer momentum-relaxation mechanism (i.e. to the functional dependence of the scattering time on energy). We also provide analytical results for the low-temperature drag transresistivity for both cases of "thick" and "thin" spacers and for arbitrary values of the dielectric constants of the media surrounding the two Dirac-fermion layers. Finally, we present numerical results for the low-temperature drag transresistivity in the case in which one of the media surrounding the Dirac-fermion layers has a frequency-dependent dielectric constant. We conclude by suggesting an experiment that can potentially allow for the observation of departures from the canonical Fermi-liquid quadratic-in-temperature behavior of the transresistivity.
Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE