Semi-automatic preparation of biological database samples for STR typing

Autor: Charlotte Hallenberg, Niels Morling, Anders J. Hansen, B.T. Simonsen, Claus Børsting
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: University of Copenhagen
ISSN: 0531-5131
Popis: We have implemented a laboratory automation system (LAS) for the preparation of database samples. The LAS encompass registration of samples in a LIMS database, export of a work-list to a puncher, punching of FTA-cards by a BSD600-duet puncher, electronic sample check by means of barcodes, washing of punches by the THEONYX liquid-handler from MWG, PCR amplification and electrophoresis of amplicons. We validated the system using fresh blood and saliva immobilized on FTA-cards as sources of biological material. The use of the LAS led to: – Correct STR types with a quality equal to or higher than that of the profiles produced using chelex-extracted DNA. – A reduction of approximately 35% in the number of reanalysed samples. – A reduced risk of mix-up of samples during the laboratory procedure. – Fewer sample transfers. – A reduction in the number of PCR cycles from 28 to 24 compared to chelex-extracted DNA from blood. During the validation process, we did not observe mix-up of samples, loss of FTA-card punches, contamination from external sources, or cross-contamination between samples.
Databáze: OpenAIRE