Triarylborane Dyes as a Novel Non-Covalent and Non-Inhibitive Fluorimetric Markers for DPP III Enzyme

Autor: Sanja Tomić, Željka Ban, Ivo Piantanida, Hashem Amini, Zrinka Karačić, Todd B. Marder
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Molecules, Vol 26, Iss 4816, p 4816 (2021)
Volume 26
Issue 16
ISSN: 1420-3049
Popis: Novel dyes were prepared by simple “click CuAAC” attachment of a triarylborane–alkyne to the azide side chain of an amino acid yielding triarylborane dye 1 which was conjugated with pyrene (dye 2) forming a triarylborane–pyrene FRET pair. In contrast to previous cationic triarylboranes, the novel neutral dyes interact only with proteins, while their affinity to DNA/RNA is completely abolished. Both the reference triarylborane amino acid and triarylborane–pyrene conjugate bind to BSA and the hDPP III enzyme with high affinities, exhibiting a strong (up to 100-fold) fluorescence increase, whereby the triarylborane–pyrene conjugate additionally retained FRET upon binding to the protein. Furthermore, the triarylborane dyes, upon binding to the hDPP III enzyme, did not impair its enzymatic activity under a wide range of experimental conditions, thus being the first non-covalent fluorimetric markers for hDPP III, also applicable during enzymatic reactions with hDPP III substrates.
Databáze: OpenAIRE