Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food

Autor: EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM), Dieter Schrenk, Laurent Bodin, James Kevin Chipman, Jesús del Mazo, Bettina Grasl‐Kraupp, Christer Hogstrand, Laurentius (Ron) Hoogenboom, Jean‐Charles Leblanc, Carlo Stefano Nebbia, Elsa Nielsen, Evangelia Ntzani, Annette Petersen, Salomon Sand, Tanja Schwerdtle, Christiane Vleminckx, Heather Wallace, Jan Alexander, Chiara Dall'Asta, Angela Mally, Manfred Metzler, Marco Binaglia, Zsuzsanna Horváth, Hans Steinkellner, Margherita Bignami
Přispěvatelé: Schrenk, Dieter [0000-0002-7717-5533], Bodin, Laurent [0000-0001-5671-3139], Del Mazo, Jesús [0000-0003-3269-3895], Grasl-Kraupp, Bettina [0000-0003-4889-6531], Hogstrand, Christer [0000-0001-7545-6975], Hoogenboom, Laurentius (Ron) [0000-0002-8913-5328], Leblanc, Jean-Charles [0000-0003-2872-3414], Nielsen, Elsa [0000-0002-6874-2575], Ntzani, Evangelia [0000-0003-3712-4181], Sand, Salomon [0000-0002-3360-0534], Schwerdtle, Tanja [0000-0002-4873-7488], Vleminckx, Christiane [0000-0002-9928-1601], Dall'Asta, Chiara [http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0716-8394], Mally, Angela [https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5013-5080], Bignami, Margherita [0000-0002-1525-6864], Schrenk, Dieter, Bodin, Laurent, Del Mazo, Jesús, Grasl-Kraupp, Bettina, Hogstrand, Christer, Hoogenboom, Laurentius (Ron), Leblanc, Jean-Charles, Nielsen, Elsa, Ntzani, Evangelia, Sand, Salomon, Schwerdtle, Tanja, Vleminckx, Christiane, Dall'Asta, Chiara, Mally, Angela, Bignami, Margherita
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Ochratoxin A
Hazard characterisation
Novel Foods & Agrochains
BU Toxicologie
040301 veterinary sciences
Veterinary (miscellaneous)
Plant Science
010501 environmental sciences
Breast milk
Novel Foods & Agroketens
01 natural sciences
0403 veterinary science
Margin of exposure approach
risk characterisation
Risk characterisation
margin of exposure approach
Dietary exposure assessment
BU Toxicology
Novel Foods & Agrochains

hazard characterisation
0105 earth and related environmental sciences
Nutrition. Foods and food supply
Chemical technology
BU Toxicology
dietary exposure assessment
04 agricultural and veterinary sciences
BU Toxicologie
Novel Foods & Agroketens

Animal Science and Zoology
Risk assessment
Food Science
Zdroj: EFSA Journal 18 (2020) 5
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM) 2020, ' Risk assessment of ochratoxin A in food ', EFSA Journal, vol. 18, no. 5, e06113 . https://doi.org/10.2903/j.efsa.2020.6113
EFSA Journal, 18(5)
EFSA Journal, Vol 18, Iss 5, Pp n/a-n/a (2020)
ISSN: 1831-4732
Popis: 150 p.-15 fig.-37 tab.
The European Commission asked EFSA to update their 2006 opinion on ochratoxin A (OTA) in food. OTA is produced by fungi of the genus Aspergillus and Penicillium and found as a contaminant in various foods. OTA causes kidney toxicity in different animal species and kidney tumours in rodents. OTA is genotoxic both in vitro and in vivo; however, the mechanisms of genotoxicity are unclear. Direct and indirect genotoxic and non-genotoxic modes of action might each contribute to tumour formation. Since recent studies have raised uncertainty regarding the mode of action for kidney carcinogenicity, it is inappropriate to establish a health-based guidance value (HBGV) and a margin of exposure (MOE) approach was applied. For the characterisation of non-neoplastic effects, a BMDL10 of 4.73 lg/kg body weight (bw) per day was calculated from kidney lesions observed in pigs. For characterisation of neoplastic effects, a BMDL10 of 14.5 lg/kg bw per day was calculated from kidney tumours seen in rats. The estimation of chronic dietary exposure resulted in mean and 95th percentile levels ranging from 0.6 to 17.8 and from 2.4 to 51.7 ng/kg bw per day, respectively. Median OTA exposures in breastfed infants ranged from 1.7 to 2.6 ng/kg bw per day, 95th percentile exposures from 5.6 to 8.5 ng/kg bw per day in average/high breast milk consuming infants, respectively. Comparison of exposures with the BMDL10 based on the non-neoplastic endpoint resulted in MOEs of more than 200 in most consumer groups, indicating a low health concern with the exception of MOEs for high consumers in the younger age groups, indicating a possible health concern. When compared with the BMDL10 based on the neoplastic endpoint, MOEs were lower than 10,000 for almost all exposure scenarios, including breastfed infants. This would indicate a possible health concern if genotoxicity is direct. Uncertainty in this assessment is high and risk may be overestimated.
Databáze: OpenAIRE