Epidemiological investigation, characterization and antifungal susceptibility profile of Microsporum canis isolated from pet animals

Autor: Abhiroop Banerjee, C. Debnath, Abhishek Singh
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Veterinarski arhiv
Volume 91
Issue 4
ISSN: 1331-8055
DOI: 10.24099/vet.arhiv.0953
Popis: Dermatophytoses is a very old and neglected ailment in man as well as animals. The development of antifungal resistance is another emerging issue. Among the different etiologies, Microsporum canis plays a crucial role. The present study was undertaken to investigate the epidemiology of, characterize, and explore the antifungal susceptibility profile of M. canis isolated from pet animals. A total of 97 (59.15%) (Dog-46, Cat-51) isolates were identified as M. canis by using PCR. The prevalence of M. canis was highest in puppies (19.1%) and kittens (25.78%) in relation to age. No sexual predisposition was found in this study. Seasonal distribution revealed the highest prevalence in summer and lowest in winter. Resistance against Fluconazole and Griseofulvin was observed in a few isolates. The results indicate the need to properly identify the pathogen, and to be cautious in selecting the drug for treatment in order to stop the further development of resistant dermatophytes.
Dermatofitoze su su dugo poznate bolesti u ljudi i životinja kod kojih sve više zabrinjava razvoj protugljivične otpornosti. Među brojnim etiologijama ključnu ulogu ima Microsporum canis. U ovom je radu istražena epidemiologija, provedena karakterizacija i istražena protugljivična osjetljivost gljivice M. canis izolirane iz kućnih ljubimaca. Metodom PCR-a kao vrsta M. canis identificirano je ukupno 97 izolata (59,15 %), 46 kod pasa i 51 kod mačaka. Uvažavajući dob, prevalencija gljivice M. canis bila je najveća u štenadi (19,1 %) i mačića (25,78 %). U ovom istraživanju nije potvrđena spolna predispozicija bolesti. Sezonska raspodjela najveća je bila ljeti, a najmanja zimi. U nekoliko je izolata promatrana rezistencija na Flukonazol i Grizeofulvin. Rezultati upućuju na to da treba točno identificirati patogen i biti oprezan u izboru lijeka kako bi se spriječio daljnji razvoj dermatofita.
Databáze: OpenAIRE