Study of efficacy and safety of a new local cream ('healer') in the treatment of chronic anal fissure: a prospective, randomized, single-blind, comparative study

Autor: Mostafa Yakoot, M. Abdel Salaam
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Arquivos de gastroenterologia. 46(3)
ISSN: 1678-4219
Popis: OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy and safety of "healer" cream as monotherapy in the treatment of acute and chronic anal fissure. STUDY DESIGN: A prospective, randomized, single blinded, comparative trial. METHODS: Sixty patients suffering from anal fissure were included in the study. Patients were randomly divided into three groups: group A: treated with "healer" local cream application 3 times daily; group B: treated with nitroglycerine 0.25% local cream 3 times daily; group C: treated with a lidocaine 2% cream applied locally 3 times daily. All the followings were followed up and compared between groups. (1) Visual pain analogue score after defecation; (2) severity of straining and discomfort during defecation; (3) frequency of ulcer healed at 30 days; (4) any side effects or complications. RESULTS: The pain scoring after defecation was significantly reduced in the three treatment groups. The group treated with "healer" isosorbide-di-nitrate showed the greatest reduction of the visual pain analogue score median from 9 before treatment to 3 & 1 after 10 and 20 days respectively, while the median visual pain analogue score in group B treated with nitroglycerine cream was 9 reduced to 4 & 2 after 10 and 20 days respectively, and the median visual pain analogue score in lidocaine group only dropped from 9 to 6 and 4, respectively. The reduction of both pain scoring and defecation scoring with "healer" was statistically significantly greater than the other two treatments by Kruskal-Wallis test, P
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