Scopalina ruetzleri

Autor: Ugalde, Diana, Fernandez, Julio C. C., Gómez, Patricia, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele, Simões, Nuno
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 1875-9866
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5495484
Popis: Scopalina ruetzleri (Wiedenmayer, 1977) Tables 6, 7; Figs. 54A–C, 58I Synonymy and references: Ulosa ruetzleri Wiedenmayer (1977: 145); “ Ulosa ” ruetzleri, Dictyonella ruetzleri: see references compiled in Muricy et al. (2011: 92); Scopalina ruetzleri: Gómez (2007: 62), Hajdu et al. (2011: 124), Muricy et al. (2011: 92), Rützler et al. (2014: 74), and Pérez et al. (2017: 12). Type locality. The Bahamas. Material examined. CNPGG-2183, Cayo Arcas reef (20.19491°N, 91.95741°W), 8.7 m depth, coll. Diana Ugalde, 18 August 2018; CNPGG-2201, Cayo Arcas reef (20.19566°N, 91.95997°W), 9.3 m depth, coll. Diana Ugalde, 20 August 2018; CNPGG-2215, Cayo Arcas reef (20.19963°N, 91.96680°W), 4.1 m depth, coll. Diana Ugalde, 22 August 2018; CNPGG-2455, Madagascar reef (21.43933°N, 90.27813°W), 9.8 m depth, coll. Diana Ugalde, 06 March 2019. Distribution. Mexico (Gómez 2007; De la Cruz-Francisco & Bandala-Pérez 2016; current records), Bermuda, Bahamas, US (Florida), Cuba, other countries in the Caribbean Sea (Rützler et al. 2014); Brazil (Muricy et al. 2011). Remarks. Scopalina ruetzleri has been reported in the northern (Rützler et al. 2009) and the SGoM (Gómez 2007). Although we have only collected material from reefs (Cayo Arcas reef and Madagascar reef), this species is a common one along the coral reefs in the Campeche Bank: Triangulos reef, Obispo reef, Alacranes reef, and Cayo Arenas reef. Genus Svenzea Alvarez, van Soest & Rützler, 2002
Published as part of Ugalde, Diana, Fernandez, Julio C. C., Gómez, Patricia, Lôbo-Hajdu, Gisele & Simões, Nuno, 2021, An update on the diversity of marine sponges in the southern Gulf of Mexico coral reefs, pp. 1-112 in Zootaxa 5031 (1) on pages 59-60, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5031.1.1,
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