Chaetopelma concolor Simon 1873, n. comb

Autor: Guadanucci, José Paulo L., Gallon, Richard C.
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6229590
Popis: Chaetopelma concolor (Simon 1873) n. comb. Figures 19���25 Nemesia concolor Simon 1873: 215 (D♂). Cratorrhagus concolor: Simon 1891: 330; Simon 1903: 926, figs. 1073 D, 1074 E, 1075 F (♂); Schmidt 1986: 40, figs. 3��� 6 (♂); Smith 1990: 116, figs. 702���705 (♂); Schmidt 1993: 56, figs. 20���23 (♂). Material examined. Type material: Lectotype �� (MNHN 2848) from Sa��da, Syria. Paralectotypes: 4 �� (MNHN 2848) from Sa��da, Syria, M. Ch. De la Br��lerie leg. All examined. Additional material examined: EGYPT: El Giza: 1 �� (MRAC 130698) P.L.G. Benoit leg., VI. 1959; SYRIA: 1 �� (ZMB 47174); 1 �� (ZMB 47175) W. Kurbishar leg.; TURKEY: Cilicien: 1 �� (ZMB 47177) Holtz leg.; Nemrut Dag: 1 �� (BMNH) Vladim��r ��ejna leg., collected VII. 1993, died 1998; Tarsus: 1 �� (ZMB 47179); Asia Minor: 1 �� (ZMB 47176) Holtz leg., 1897. Diagnosis: Males differ from those of their congeners by the palpal bulb morphology (Figs. 22���24). In males of C. concolor, the embolus is short and attached to the tegulum medially but, in males of C. olivaceum and C. karlamani, the embolus is long and attached to the tegulum basally. Females are distinguished by their spermathecae which comprise two long, narrow receptacula, facing each other and bearing double, or partially double, termini (Fig. 25). Description: Male (paralectotype). Total length 12.0. Carapace length 4.6, width 4.2. Eye tubercle length 0.6, width 0.8; anterior row slightly procurved, posterior row slightly recurved, clypeus absent. Labium length 0.6, width 0.9. Sternum length 2.2, width 2.1. Chelicerae with 10���11 teeth of similar size on promargin. Labium as long as wide with 20 cuspules. Maxillae with ca. 50 cuspules on inner angle. Sternum oval, slightly longer than wide. Fovea narrow, transverse. Palp: femur 2.8 / patella 1.7 / tibia 2.1 / cymbium 1.0/ total 7.6. Legs I: femur 4.1 / patella 2.4 / tibia 3.0/ metatarsus 2.3 / tarsus 1.6 / total 13.4. II: 3.7 / 2.1 / 2.4 / 2.2 / 1.6 / 12.0. III: 3.2 / 1.7 / 1.9 / 2.4 / 1.6 / 10.8. IV: 4.2 / 2.0/ 3.3 / 3.7 / 2.0/ 15.2. Spines. Palp: tibia (p) 0���1 ��� 2. Legs: I: tibia (v) 1 ��� 1 ���ap 1, (p) 0��� 0���1, metatarsus (v) 0���0���ap 1. II: tibia (v) 1 ��� 1 ���ap 3, (p) 0���1 ���0, metatarsus (v) 0���1 ���ap 1, (p) 0��� 1 ���0. III: patella (p) 1, tibia (v) 1���2 ���ap 2, (p) 1���2 ���0, (r) 1���2 ���0, metatarsus (v) 0���1 ���ap 1, (p) 2 ��� 2 ��� 2, (r) 0���2 ��� ap 2. IV: tibia (v) 2 ��� 2 ���ap 2, (p) 0��� 0���1, (r) 1 ��� 1 ���0, metatarsus (v) 1 ��� 1 ���ap 2, (p) 2 ��� 2 ���ap 1, (r) 0���1 ��� 1. Palpal bulb with short embolus slightly curved distally, inserted medially on tegulum (Figs. 22���24). Tibial apophysis (Fig. 21) comprising two branches: prolateral branch short with adjacent spine; retrolateral branch with apical cluster of spines. Metatarsus I slightly curved, bends externally to retrolateral branch. Metatarsal scopulae extent (ventral surfaces only): I on distal half; II���III on slightly less than distal half; IV on distal third. Tarsal scopulae (ventral surfaces only): I���IV divided by longitudinal band of thick setae. Female (ZMB 47174). Total length 20.5. Carapace length 6.5, width 5.5. Eye tubercle length 0.8, width 1.1; anterior row procurved, posterior slightly recurved, clypeus absent. Labium length 0.8, width 1.2. Sternum length 3.1, width 2.8. Chelicerae with 10 teeth of similar size on promargin. Labium as long as wide with 60 cuspules. Maxillae with ca. 100 cuspules. Sternum rounded. Fovea transverse. Palp: femur 3.1 / patella 2.1 / tibia 1.7 / cymbium 2.1 / total 9.0. Legs I: femur 4.2 / patella 3.1 / tibia 2.7 / metatarsus 2.2 / tarsus 1.8 / total 14.0. II: 3.7 / 2.7 / 2.2 / 2.1 / 1.6 / 12.3. III: 3.3 / 2.2 / 1.9 / 2.5 / 1.6 / 11.5. IV: 4.7 / 2.6 / 3.4 / 3.6 / 2.0/ 16.3. Spines. Palp: tibia (p) 0���0���ap 2. Legs: I: metatarsus (v) 0���0���ap 1. II: metatarsus (v) 0���0���ap 1. III: patella (p) 1, tibia (v) 0��� 1 ���ap 2, (p) 0���2 ���0, (r) 0���1 ���0, metatarsus (v) 0���2 ���ap 3, (p) 0���1 ��� 1, (r) 0��� 0��� 1. IV: tibia (v) 2 ��� 2 ���ap 2, (r) 1 ��� 0���1, metatarsus (v) 2 ��� 1 ���ap 3, (p) 0���1 ���0, (r) 0���1 ��� 1. Spermathecae comprising two long inwardly curved receptacula, bent apically (Fig. 25). Metatarsal scopulae extent (ventral surfaces only): I along entire length; II on distal three-quarters; III���IV on distal half. Tarsal scopulae (ventral surfaces only): I���IV divided by longitudinal band of thick setae. Distribution: Known from Egypt, Syria and Turkey. Ecology: Unknown; presumably fossorial. Males are mature in June. Misplaced species and further notes The taxonomic placement of both Chaetopelma webborum Smith 1990 and Chaetopelma arabicum (Strand 1908) will be dealt with elsewhere (Gallon & Guadanucci in prep., Gallon, in press respectively), neither species belong in Chaetopelma. Chaetopelma adenense Simon 1890 (holotype female, MHNH, from Yemen, Goldmore-Valley, Aden, March 1889, Eug��ne Simon leg.; examined) is here transferred to Ischnocolus and made a junior synonym of Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch 1875 (holotype female, BMNH 19 ��� 9���18 ��� 5698 ��� 99, from Hamazen, Ethiopia, Jickeli leg.; examined) because they share the same spermathecal morphology. New synonymy.
Published as part of Guadanucci, Jos�� Paulo L. & Gallon, Richard C., 2008, A revision of the spider genera Chaetopelma Ausserer 1871 and Nesiergus Simon 1903 (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Ischnocolinae), pp. 34-48 in Zootaxa 1753 on pages 41-42, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.181769
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