Measurement of undulator section wakefield at the SXFEL test facility

Autor: H P Liu, Bo Liu, Haixiao Deng, Liang Xu, Duan Gu, Zenggong Jiang, Nanshun Huang, H.R. Yang
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2107.07465
Popis: In free electron laser facilities, almost every kind of device will generate wakefield when an electron beam passes through it. Most of the wakefields are undesired and have a negative effect on the electron beam, which means a decrease of FEL performance. As for the SXFEL test facility, the sophisticated layout and the cumulative effect of such a long undulator section lead to an obvious wakefield, which is strong enough that cannot be ignored. Based on two deflecting cavities at the entrance and the exit of the undulator section with corresponding profile monitors, we measured the wakefield of the undulator section. In this paper, we give the theoretical and simulation results of resistive wall wakefields which agrees well with each other. In addition, the experimental and the simulation results of the overall undulator wakefield are given showing small difference. In order to explore the impact of this wakefield on FEL lasing, we give the simulation results of FEL with and without wakefield for comparison. There is almost no impact on 44 nm FEL in stage-1 of cascaded EEHG–HGHG mode, while the impact on 8.8 nm FEL in stage-2 becomes critical and it decreases the pulse energy and peak power by 42% and 27% and broadens the bandwidth .
Databáze: OpenAIRE