n3 and n6 Bridging cations in the N,N,N',N',N'-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine-solvated complexes of benzylpotassium and benzylrubidium: an x-ray, NMR, and MO study

Autor: Dominic S. Wright, Paul von Ragué Schleyer, Peter Otto, Walter Bauer, Frank Hampel, Nicolaas J. R. van Eikema Hommes, Ronald Snaith, Daniele Hoffmann, Dietmar Stalke, Ursula Pieper
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1994
Popis: The metalation of toluene (PhCH3) with a 1: 1 mixtureof n-BuLi/MOtBu (M = K, Rb) at ambient temperature affords orange-red powders of benzylpotassium or benzylrubidium. On addition of N,N,N’,N“,N“-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDTA) the precipitates dissolve to give burgundy-red solutions, from which needles of [PhCH2K-PMDTA.O.5PhCH3(l1n) o r [PhCH2RbPMDTA], (2) areobtained. X-ray analysis reveals that 1i ncorporates half a molecule of toluene per asymmetric unit. In both 1 and 2, the 73 and 76 interaction of one M+ cation with two benzyl fragments gives rise to the formation of polymeric chains. The coordination sphere of the cations is completed by one chelating triamine ligand. MO calculations predict multihapto metal carbon interactions to become more important from Li to Cs and substantiate the solid-state results. Ab initio calculations on three different polymers suggest that the array present in the crystal structure is the most stable. The gated decoupled 13C NMR spectrum of 1 in THF-dg solution reveals a IJ(I3C,lH) coupling constant for the benzylic. peerReviewed
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