Intracorporeal Anastomosis Using Linear Stapler in Laparoscopic Distal Gastrectomy: Comparison between Gastroduodenostomy and Gastrojejunostomy

Autor: Ji Yeong An, Woo Jin Hyung, Sung Hoon Noh, Hak Woo Lee, Jae Ho Cheong, Hyoung Il Kim, Kang Young Lee
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of Gastric Cancer
ISSN: 2093-5641
Popis: Purpose: Intracorporeal anastomosis during laparoscopic gastrectomy is becoming increasingly prevalent. However, selection of the anastomosis method after laparoscopic distal gastrectomy is equivocal because of a lack of technical feasibility and safety. We compared intracorporeal gastroduodenostomy with gastrojejunostomy using linear staplers to evaluate the technical feasibility and safety of intracor-poreal anastomoses as well as its’ minimally invasiveness. Materials and Methods: Retrospective analyses of a prospectively collected database for gastric cancer revealed 47 gastric cancer pa-tients who underwent laparoscopic distal gastrectomy with either intracorporeal gastroduodenostomy or gastrojejunostomy from March 2011 to June 2011. Perioperative outcomes such as operation time, postoperative complication, and hospital stay were compared ac-cording to the type of anastomosis. Postoperative inflammatory response was also compared between the two groups using white blood cell count and high sensitivity C-reactive protein.Results: Among the 47 patients, 26 patients received gastroduodenostomy, whereas 21 patients received gastrojejunostomy without open conversion or additional mini-laparotomy incision. There was no difference in mean operation time, blood loss, and length of post-operative hospital stays. There was no statistically significant difference in postoperative complication or mortality between two groups. However, significantly more staplers were used for gastroduodenostomy than for gastrojejunostomy (n=6) than for gastroduodenostomy and (n=5).Conclusions: Intracorporeal anastomosis during laparoscopic gastrectomy using linear stapler, either gastroduodenostomy or gastrojeju-nostomy, shows comparable and acceptable early postoperative outcomes and are safe and feasible. Therefore, surgeons may choose either anastomosis method as long as oncological safety is guaranteed. Key Words: Laparoscopy; Gastrectomy; Billroth I operation; Billroth II operation
Databáze: OpenAIRE