Individual Basepair Stability of DNA and RNA Studied by NMR-Detected Solvent Exchange

Autor: Harald Schwalbe, Jörg Rinnenthal, Hannah Steinert
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Biophysical Journal. 102:2564-2574
ISSN: 0006-3495
Popis: In this study, we have optimized NMR methodology to determine the thermodynamic parameters of basepair opening in DNA and RNA duplexes by characterizing the temperature dependence of imino proton exchange rates of individual basepairs. Contributions of the nuclear Overhauser effect to exchange rates measured with inversion recovery experiments are quantified, and the influence of intrinsic and external catalysis exchange mechanisms on the imino proton exchange rates is analyzed. Basepairs in DNA and RNA have an approximately equal stability, and the enthalpy and entropy values of their basepair dissociation are correlated linearly. Furthermore, the compensation temperature, Tc, which is derived from the slope of the correlation, coincides with the melting temperature, and duplex unfolding occurs at that temperature where all basepairs are equally thermodynamically stable. The impact of protium-deuterium exchange of the imino hydrogen on the free energy of RNA basepair opening is investigated, and it is found that two A·U basepairs show distinct fractionation factors.
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