Uloga adrenokortikalnog sistema u nastanku ketoze visoko-mlečnih krava

Autor: Horea Šamanc, Gy. Huszenicza, Blagoje Dimitrijevic, Velibor Stojić, Ivan Vujanac
Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 60, Iss 3-4, Pp 125-134 (2006)
Veterinarski Glasnik
ISSN: 2406-0771
Popis: From the very onset of lactation, the requirements of the mammary gland have an advantage over the requirements of other organic systems, even in the case of clinically exhibited ketosis. In hypoglycemic, ketotic cows, the mammary gland utilizes glucosis approximately in the same degree as the mammary gland of cows with normal glycemia. This indicates that the regulatory role of hormones can have primary importance in the earliest phase of lactation, when metabolic processes are on the very brink of a ketotic state. That is why it is believed that, in conditions of a great burdening of the metabolism, inadequate activity by the adrenocortical system presents one of the primary factors in the etiopathogenesis of ketosis in dairy cows. It is still an open issue whether hypof unction of the adrenal cortex is a direct cause of this disorder, or whether its activity is a consequence of insufficient stimulation by ACTH. In ketotic cows, average concentrations of cortisol have been established in ketotic cows, from 23.98 nmol/l in blood serum, and it is approximately the same as in healthy cows in the corresponding phase of lactation. However, the vast range of individual values largely makes it difficult to make a correct evaluation of the functional state of the adrenal cortex of ketotic cows. On the grounds of individual figures, in 26% diseased cows cortisol concentration in blood serum is from 1.38 to 16.55 nmol/l, in 37% it is from 16.55 to 27.59 nmol/l, and in 37 percent it is over 27.59 nmol/l. This indicates that cows with clinical symptoms of ketosis can be divided into those with low, medium, or high values of cortisol concentration in blood serum. Following the stimulation of the adrenal cortex with ACTH, the individual differences in serum cortisol concentration are considerably decreased. The ratio between the lowest and the highest values of cortisol concentration before the application of ACTH is 1:6, while it is only 1:1.5 four hours following application. After that, the values again take on the starting characteristics, and 24 hours after the application of ACTH they return to the starting values, and the ratio between the individual values is 1:8. It seems that the function of the adrenal cortex has been preserved in cows with clinical symptoms of ketosis and it is capable of reacting fully to stimulation with corticotropin. The cortisolemia values indicate, primarily, that there are big individual differences regarding the regulation of the degree of activity of the adrenal cortex, so that it is possible that, in the ketotic state, it is rather a case of uncoordinated activities of the adrenal cortex with the organism requirements imposed by the mammary gland, than that it is a matter of its hypofunction. . Od samog početka laktacije potrebe mlečne žlezde imaju prednost u odnosu na potrebe drugih organskih sistema, čak i u slučaju klinički ispoljene ketoze. Kod hipoglikemičnih, ketoznih krava, mlečna žlezda koristi glikozu u približno istom obimu kao i mlečna žlezda krava sa normalnom glikemijom. To ukazuje da u najranijoj fazi laktacije, kada su metabolički procesi na samoj granici ketoznog stanja, regulatorna uloga hormona može da ima prvostepeni značaj. Zbog toga se smatra da u uslovima velikog opterećenja metabolizma neadekvatna aktivnost adrenokortikalnog sistema predstavlja jedan od primarnih činilaca u etiopatogenezi ketoze mlečnih krava. Još uvek je otvoreno pitanje da li je hipofunkcija kore nadbubrega neposredan uzrok ovog poremećaja ili je njena aktivnost posledica nedovoljne stimulacije ACTH. Kod ketoznih krava je utvrđeno da je prosečna koncentracija kortizola od 23,98 nmol/l u krvnom serumu i približno je ista kao i kod zdravih krava u istoj fazi laktacije. Međutim, veliki raspon pojedinačnih vrednosti, u velikoj meri otežava pravilnu procenu funkcionalnog stanja kore nadbubrega kod ketoznih krava. Na osnovu pojedinačnih podataka kod 26 posto obolelih krava koncentracija kortizola u krvnom serumu je od 1,38 do 16,55 nmol/l, kod 37posto od 16,55 do 27,59 nmol/l, a kod 37 posto više od 27,59 nmol/l. To ukazuje da se krave sa kliničkim simptomima ketoze mogu da svrstaju na one sa niskim, srednjim i visokim vrednostima koncentracije kortizola u krvnom serumu. Nakon stimulisanja kore nadbubrega sa ACTH znatno se smanjuju pojedinačne razlike u koncentraciji serumskog kortizola. Odnos između najniže i najviše vrednosti koncentracije kortizola pre aplikovanja ACTH je 1:6, a četiri časa posle aplikacije je samo 1:1,5. Zatim, vrednosti ponovo poprimaju početna obeležja i nakon 24 časa od primene ACTH vraćaju se na početne vrednosti, a raspon pojedinačnih vrednosti je 1:8. Po svemu sudeći očuvana je funkcija kore nadbubrega kod krava sa kliničkim simptomima ketoze i u stanju je da u potpunosti reaguje na stimulaciju kortikotropinom. Vrednosti kortizolemije ukazuju, pre svega, da postoje velike pojedinačne razlike u pogledu regulacije stepena aktivnosti kore nadbubrega, tako daje moguće da se u ketoznom stanju više radi o neusklađenoj aktivnosti kore nadbubrega prema potrebama organizma koje nameće mlečna žlezda, nego što se radi o njenoj hipofunkciji. .
Databáze: OpenAIRE