Polypedilum (Probolum) marcondesi Pinho et Mendes, sp. n
Autor: | Saether, Ole A., Andersen, Trond, Pinho, Luiz C., Mendes, Humberto F. |
Rok vydání: | 2010 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.5030738 |
Popis: | Polypedilum (Probolum) marcondesi Pinho et Mendes sp. n. (Figs 6���25) Polypedilum sp 1 Pinho et al., 2005. Type material. Holotype male reared from larva (in Canada balsam). BRAZIL: Santa Catarina State, Florian��polis, Unidade de Conserva����o Ambiental Desterro (U.C.A.D.), 12.i. 2004, in Vriesea vagans (H 23), L.C. Pinho & C.B. Marcondes (MZUSP). Paratypes: 1 male, Santa Catarina State, Florian��polis, Unidade de Conserva����o Ambiental Desterro (U.C.A.D.), 04��� 19.ix. 2003, emergence trap over Nidularium innocentii, L.C. Pinho (MZUSP); 1 male with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 14.xi. 2003, (B 13) (MZUSP); 1 male with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 06.x. 2003, (138) (ZMBN); 1 male with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 06.iii. 2004, (S 26) (MZUSP); 1 male with pupal exuviae, as previous except 12.x. 2003, (B 3) (MZUSP); 1 male with pupal exuviae, as previous except 03.x. 2003, (S 5) (MZUSP); 1 male with pupal exuviae, as previous except 15.iv. 2002, (A 16) (ZMBN); 1 male with pupal exuviae, as previous except 05.vi. 2002, (AR 44), L.C. Pinho & C.B. Marcondes (MZUSP); 1 female with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 05.iii. 2004, (B 26) (MZUSP); 1 female with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 06.iii. 2004, (S 27) (ZMBN); 1 female with larval and pupal exuviae, as previous except 29.ii. 2004, (B 29) (ZMBN). Etymology. Named for professor Dr. Carlos B. Marcondes, who led the project "Fauna associada a brom��lias em Mata Atl��ntica em Santa Catarina" (CNPq 690143 /01���0). Diagnostic characters. The presence of a scutal tubercle together with the split setae on the inferior volsella and the shape of the superior volsella will separate the male from other P. (Probolum) species. The pupa differs from that of P. (Pr.) excelsius sensu Grodhaus et Rotramel by having less extensive shagreen including bare sternites VI���VIII. The larva has an AR of 1.0��� 1.1 against about 1.4 in P. excelsius and the distance between the ventromental plates is clearly less than the width of the four median teeth combined, while it is about as long as the four median teeth combined in P. excelsius. Male (n = 5���6, except when otherwise stated). Total length 2.55���3.78, 3.05 mm. Wing length 1.13���1.81, 1.64 mm. Total length / wing length 2.04���2.27, 2.11. Wing length / length of profemur 1.67���1.78, 1.73. Coloration. Thorax brown with darker vittae, postnotum, preepisternum and much of anepisternum. Legs pale with darker rings. Fore femur with brown rings at about 0.10���0.35, 0.50���0.65 and 0.85���0.95; mid femur with rings at 0.05���0.25, 0.35���0.50 and 0.75���0.90; hind femur with rings at 0.05���0.25, 0.49���0.65 and 0.80��� 0.85. Fore tibia with rings at 0.10���0.50 and 0.90 to apex; mid tibia with rings at 0.10���0.25, 0.50���0.65 and 0.90 to apex; hind tibia with rings at 0.05���0.25, 0.50���0.65 and 0.90 to apex. Base and apex of ta 1 and apex of ta 2 ��� ta 4 brown. Wing with weak dark spots, one anterior and one posterior spot in each of cells r 4 + 5, m 1 + 2, m 3 + 4 and an. Abdomen broadly banded, darker in anterior two thirds. Head (Fig. 6). AR = 1.07���1.34, 1.19. Ultimate flagellomere 364���610, 537 ��m long. Temporal setae 11 ��� 13, 11 including 3 ���4, 4 inner verticals; 3 ���5, 5 outer verticals and 3 ���4, 3 postorbitals. Clypeus with 16 ���27, 21 setae. Tentorium 105���169, 134 ��m long; 26 ���34, 30 ��m wide at sieve pore. Stipes 120���150, 139 ��m long; 38 ��� 49, 42 (4) ��m wide. Palpomere lengths (in ��m): 19 ���45, 35; 30 ���53, 43; 86���146, 129; 90���150, 133; 135���233, 190 (4). Third palpomere with 4���6 lanceolate sensilla clavata in small pit; longest 15 ���19, 18 (4) ��m long. Thorax (Fig. 8). Acrostichals 10 ���14, 12; dorsocentrals 13 ���22, 16; prealars 3 ���5, 4. Scutellum with 6 ���12, 9 setae. Wing (Fig. 9). VR 0.99���1.06, 1.03. R 2 + 3 well separated from R 1. R 4 + 5 strongly curved at apex, ending at wing tip. Brachiolum with 1 ���2, 1 seta, R with 12 ���26, 21; R 1 with 14 ���20, 17; R 4 + 5 with 18 ���31, 27 setae, M bare. Squama with 4 ���5, 4 setae. Legs. Scale on fore tibia (Fig. 7) 49 ���56, 53 ��m long; with 4 ���8, 7 ��m long apical spur. Spur of mid tibia 41 ���75, 61 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 23 ���38, 36 ��m long. Spur on hind tibia 33 ���86, 75 ��m long including comb; unspurred comb 30 ���38, 33 ��m long. Width at apex of fore tibia 38 ���64, 52 ��m; of mid tibia 41 ���60, 57 ��m; of hind tibia 45 ���71, 64 ��m. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 1. Hypopygium (Figs 10���11). Tergite IX with 12 ���18, 14 strong median setae and 5 ���7, 6 setae to each side of base of anal point. Anal point 49 ���64, 57 ��m long, nearly parallel-sided medially, with weakly spatulate, 9 ���11, 10 ��m wide apex. Transverse sternapodeme present in 3 specimens, 30���34 ��m long, other 3 specimens with completely rounded sternapodeme; phallapodeme 98���120, 108 ��m long. Gonocoxite 110���188, 174 ��m long. Gonostylus 135���180, 164 ��m long, with 1���2 short, stout setae subapically and 6���8 long setae along inner margin. Superior volsella (Fig. 12) 45 ���83, 67 ��m long; base covered with microtrichia, with 45 ���86, 68 ��m long apicolateral seta; apical projection 26 ���44, 35 ��m long; inner basal protrusion 15 ���30, 23 ��m high, 15 ���26, 21 ��m wide, with 3���4 setae. Inferior volsella 101���131, 120 ��m long, nearly parallel-sided with slightly swollen distal one-third, with strong apical setae and 8 ���13, 11 dorsal, mostly split setae. HR 1.00��� 1.11, 1.06. HV 1.89���2.18, 2.06. (n = 6, except 5 for hind tarsi and 3���5 for BR). fe ti ta 1 ta 2 p 1 633���1058, 955 359���633, 560 690 ���1229, 1078 406���794, 687 p 2 633���1049, 953 373���822, 732 274���605, 533 151���321, 271 p 3 709 ���1229, 1090 558���936, 841 680���813, 762 378���454, 431 ta 3 ta 4 ta 5 LR p 1 302���548, 469 227���387, 342 90���146, 125 1.85���1.98, 1.92 p 2 132���227, 197 66���142, 118 47 ���57, 55 0.71���0.74, 0.73 p 3 293���359, 335 194���227, 214 57 ���80, 71 0.82���0.87, 0.85 BV SV BR p 1 1.52���1.66, 1.60 1.38���1.48, 1.41 2.4���3.7 p 2 3.23���3.67, 3.48 3.08���3.67, 3.20 3.8���5.1, 4.3 p 3 2.58���2.79, 2.69 2.38���2.78, 2.71 3.9 ���6.0, 5.0 Female (n = 1���3). Total length 2.69���2.95 mm. Wing length 1.47���1.73 mm. Total length / wing length 1.76. Wing length / length of profemur 1.63���1.76. Coloration. As in male except much paler. Head. AR = 0.28���0.62. Flagellomere lengths (in ��m): 140 ���144, 99���101, 94���97, 45��� 54, 115 ��� 151. Longest sensilla chaeticae on ultimate flagellomere 65���72 ��m long. Temporal setae 9���11. Clypeus with 18���20 setae. Tentorium 141���147 ��m long, 18���24 ��m wide at sieve pore. Stipes 143 ��m long. Palpomere lengths (in ��m): 27, 41��� 52, 113���137, 109 ��� 134, 177 ��� 207. Third palpomere with 5���9 lanceolate sensilla clavata in small pit, longest 23���25 ��m long. Thorax. Acrostichals 9���14, dorsocentrals 15���20, prealars 4���7. Scutellum with 9���10 uniserial setae. Wing. VR 1.06���1.09. R 2 + 3 well separated from R 1. Brachiolum with 1 seta, R with 20���26, R 1 with 14���22, R 4 + 5 with 34���48 setae. Squama with 5���8 setae. Legs. Scale on fore tibia 23���38 ��m long, with 7���9 ��m long spur. Spur of mid tibia 34���48 ��m long including comb, unspurred comb 23���27 ��m long. Spur on hind tibia 59���64 ��m long including comb, unspurred comb 23���34 ��m long; one specimen with a 27 ��m long spur including comb. Width at apex of fore tibia 45���57 ��m, of mid tibia 50���59 ��m, of hind tibia 27���64 ��m. Length and proportions of legs as in Table 2. fe ti ta 1 ta 2 ta 3 ta 4 p 1 903���985 497���589 884���1041 580���723 393���484 258���341 p 2 866���995 663���774 451���549 212���258 129���166 92���101 p 3 1022���1124 709���866 626 318 267 147 ta 5 LR BV SV BR p 1 92���138 1.77���1.84 1.56���1.73 1.50���1.58 3.0��� 3.3 p 2 37���46 0.68���0.71 4.03���4.16 3.23���3.39 3.0��� 3.8 p 3 55 0.88 2.99 2.76 4.5 Genitalia (Fig. 13). Gonocoxapodeme curved, ending on base of dorsomesal lobe. Gonocoxite IX with 0��� 2 setae. Tergite IX (Fig. 14) with 27���42 setae. Segment X with 5���9 setae to each side. Cercus 95���100 ��m long. Seminal capsule ovoid, 95���118 ��m long, not including 6���9 ��m long neck. Notum 143���179 ��m long. Dorsomesal lobe (Fig. 15) 66���71 ��m long from base of vagina to apex, 39���41 ��m wide near apex. Ventrolateral lobe (Fig. 16) 11���14 ��m long, 16���18 ��m wide, without microtrichia. Apodeme of apodeme lobe as in Figure 17. Pupa (n = 3, unless otherwise stated). Total length 3.73���5.10 mm. Coloration. Exuviae pale brown with margins of wing sheath golden brown, mesal paratergites margins of segments VI���VII and caudal spur brown. Cephalothorax (Fig. 19). Frontal apotome as in Figure 20, frontal setae 38���56 ��m long. Prealar tubercle present in 2 larger specimens, absent in smaller. Thoracic horn apparently with only 3 branches, longest 244��� 319 ��m long, middle 120 (1) ��m, shortest 98 (1) ��m long. Thoracic setae about 40���75 ��m long. Abdomen (Fig. 18). Tergite I, VIII and IX without spines and shagreen. T II with 6���8 rows of spinules in anterior band, otherwise without shagreen; T III���VI each with 6���8 rows of strong spinules in anterior band, central line of sparse and weak spinules which may be absent on T III and posterior band of spinules. T VII with weak anterior spinules, otherwise bare. Tergite II with 41���70 caudal hooklets in single row. Sternites VI��� VIII bare. Spinules on conjunctives III/IV and IV/V in 5 rows, on conjunctive V/VI medially interrupted and at most in 4 rows. Pedes spurii A well developed on segment IV. Pedes spurii B well developed anterior on segment I and posterior on segment II. Segment I without lateral setae, S II���IV with 3 hair-like lateral setae; S V���VI with 3 taeniae; S VII with 3���4 taeniae, S VIII with 4���5 taeniae. Anal spur (Fig. 21) single with almost none to several lateral and basal denticles. Anal lobe with 37���58 taeniae, up to 0.6���0.7 mm long. Larva (n = 3, unless otherwise stated). Total length not measurable. Head capsule 0.41���0.47 mm long. Postmentum 168���192 ��m long. Coloration. Mentum and mandible brown, postoccipital margin black. Head. AR 1.00��� 1.10. Antenna as in Figure 24; antennal segment lengths (in ��m): 52 ���57, 19���21, 11���12, 14���17, 5��� 8. Basal antennal segment 17 ��m wide, ring organ about 12 (1) ��m from base, blade 40���50 ��m long. Pecten epipharyngis as in Figure 23. Premandible 71���78 ��m long. Mandible (Fig. 25) 123���135 ��m long, seta subdentalis 17���24 ��m long, pecten mandibularis of 6 setae. Mentum (Fig. 22) 97���109 ��m wide, ventromental plate 109���119 ��m wide, distance between plates 12���19 ��m, about 50 striae. Setae submenti situated just below inner posterior corner of ventromental plates. Abdomen. Procercus weak, with about 9 anal setae up to 469 (1) ��m long. Supraanal seta 206 (1) ��m long. Ratio of supraanal setae / anal setae 0.44 (1). Posterior parapods and anal tubules not measurable. Distribution and biology. Known only from the type locality on Ilha de Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil. Adults were taken in a Malaise trap while larvae were collected from leaf-axils of bromeliads (Nidularium innocentii Lemaire and Vriesea vagans L.B. Smith) (see Pinho et al. 2005). Published as part of Saether, Ole A., Andersen, Trond, Pinho, Luiz C. & Mendes, Humberto F., 2010, The problems with Polypedilum Kieffer (Diptera: Chironomidae), with the description of Probolum subgen. n., pp. 1-36 in Zootaxa 2497 on pages 17-22, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.195747 {"references":["Pinho, L. C. de, Mendes, H. F. & Marcondes, C. B. (2005) A new Brazilian species of Stenochironomus Kieffer mining decayed leaves in bromeliads (Diptera: Chironomidae). Zootaxa, 1046, 37 - 47."]} |
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