Additional file 3: of RNA disruption is associated with response to multiple classes of chemotherapy drugs in tumor cell lines

Autor: Narendrula, Rashmi, Mispel-Beyer, Kyle, Baoqing Guo, Parissenti, Amadeo, Pritzker, Laura, Pritzker, Ken, Twinkle Masilamani, Xiaohui Wang, LannĂŠr, Carita
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3626747_d6
Popis: Northern blots of total A2780 RNA hybridized with 28S probes. Panels on the left side show an RNA gel and panels on the right side show corresponding membranes after transfer and blotting. RNA isolated from untreated cells is in lanes marked (-) while RNA isolated from 48Â h 0.2 ÎźM docetaxel treated cells is in lanes marked (+). Sizes of RNA bands on gels are shown in nucleotide length (nt) to the left of the figure with arrows indicating each band. Sizes of hybridization targets of probes are shown in nucleotides to the right of the figures with arrows indicating each hybridization target. A. Northern blot results using the 28S-1 probe. B. Northern blot results using the 28S-4 probe. C. Northern blot results using the 28S CD1 probe. D. Northern blot results using the 28S VR2 probe. (PPTX 407 kb)
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