Highly flexible and low voltage Organic Thin Film Transistors for wearable electronics and e-skin applications

Autor: Annalisa Bonfiglio, Stefano Lai, Piero Cosseddu
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: ieee xplore digital library (2016): 1317–1319. doi:10.1109/NANO.2015.7388876
info:cnr-pdr/source/autori:Cosseddu P.; Lai S.; Bonfiglio A./titolo:Highly flexible and low voltage Organic Thin Film Transistors for wearable electronics and e-skin applications/doi:10.1109%2FNANO.2015.7388876/rivista:ieee xplore digital library/anno:2016/pagina_da:1317/pagina_a:1319/intervallo_pagine:1317–1319/volume
DOI: 10.1109/NANO.2015.7388876
Popis: In this work we report about the fabrication and characterization of mechanical sensors based on highly flexible, low voltage Organic Thin Film Transistor. The fabricated devices are characterized by a linear and reproducible response to surface strain from 0 to 2%. Thanks to their mechanical properties, they are good candidates for the fabrication of smart clothes and for local monitoring of bio-mechanical parameters, such as joints motion and/or breathing rate. On the other hand, we will also demonstrate that this response to mechanical deformation can be almost eliminated by properly engineering the device structure. In particular, using an ultra-thin plastic substrate allows the reduction of the surface strain induced on the device sensing area. As a result, in this way, it is possible to have highly compliant and mechanically stable electronic devices.
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