Selective Expression of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Nef in Specific Immune Cell Populations of Transgenic Mice Is Associated with Distinct AIDS-Like Phenotypes

Autor: Mathieu Goupil, Paul Jolicoeur, Véronique Dugas, Zaher Hanna, Elena Priceputu, Miriam Marquis, Chunyan Hu, Louis de Repentigny, Pavel Chrobak
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of Virology. 83:9743-9758
ISSN: 1098-5514
Popis: We previously reported that CD4C/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Neftransgenic (Tg) mice, expressing Nef in CD4+T cells and cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell (DC) lineage, develop a severe AIDS-like disease, characterized by depletion of CD4+T cells, as well as lung, heart, and kidney diseases. In order to determine the contribution of distinct populations of hematopoietic cells to the development of this AIDS-like disease, five additional Tg strains expressing Nef through restricted cell-specific regulatory elements were generated. These Tg strains express Nef in CD4+T cells, DCs, and macrophages (CD4E/HIVNef); in CD4+T cells and DCs (mCD4/HIVNefand CD4F/HIVNef); in macrophages and DCs (CD68/HIVNef); or mainly in DCs (CD11c/HIVNef). None of these Tg strains developed significant lung and kidney diseases, suggesting the existence of as-yet-unidentified Nef-expressing cell subset(s) that are responsible for inducing organ disease in CD4C/HIVNefTg mice. Mice from all five strains developed persistent oral carriage ofCandida albicans, suggesting an impaired immune function. Only strains expressing Nef in CD4+T cells showed CD4+T-cell depletion, activation, and apoptosis. These results demonstrate that expression of Nef in CD4+T cells is the primary determinant of their depletion. Therefore, the pattern of Nef expression in specific cell population(s) largely determines the nature of the resulting pathological changes.
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