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The purpose of this research is to test the effect of brand experience on brand loyalty, brand experience on brand love, brand love on brand loyalty, and brand love in mediating the influence of brand experience on brand loyalty. The variable that is used is brand experience as independent variable (X), brand loyalty as dependent variable (Y), and brand love as mediator variable (M). This research uses quantitative research method and Partial Least Square (PLS) - Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) data process. The sampling is done by convenience sampling with questionnaire instrument by using Likert scale. The questionnaire is distributed online by using Google form media. The population of this research is iPhone users in Indonesia. The sample of this research is 140 respondents of Z generation who have done purchase iPhone more than once. The results of this research show that brand experience affects significant and positive on brand loyalty, brand experience affects significant and positive on brand love, brand love affects significant and positive on brand loyalty, and there is an effect of brand love in mediating the impact of brand experience on brand loyalty partially. Abstrak dalam Bahasa Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty, brand experience terhadap brand love, brand love terhadap brand loyalty , dan brand love dalam memediasi pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty . Variabel yang digunakan adalah brand experience sebagai variabel independen (X), brand loyalty sebagai variabel dependen (Y), serta brand love sebagai variabel mediator (M). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dan pengolahan data dilakukan dengan Partial Least Square (PLS) - Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara convenience sampling dengan instrumen kuesioner menggunakan skala Likert . Kuesioner disebarkan secara online menggunakan media Googleform. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pengguna iPhone di Indonesia. Sampel dari penelitian ini sebanyak 140 orang responden generasi Z yang pernah melakukan pembelian ponsel iPhone lebih dari satu kali. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa brand experience berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap brand loyalty, brand experience berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap brand love , brand love berpengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap brand loyalty , dan ada pengaruh brand love dalam memediasi secara parsial pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty. |