An Intelligent Modular Water Monitoring IoT System for Real-Time Quantitative and Qualitative Measurements

Autor: Evangelos Syrmos, Vasileios Sidiropoulos, Dimitrios Bechtsis, Fotis Stergiopoulos, Eirini Aivazidou, Dimitris Vrakas, Prodromos Vezinias, Ioannis Vlahavas
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Sustainability; Volume 15; Issue 3; Pages: 2127
ISSN: 2071-1050
Popis: This study proposes a modular water monitoring IoT system that enables quantitative and qualitative measuring of water in terms of an upgraded version of the water infrastructure to sustain operational reliability. The proposed method could be used in urban and rural areas for consumption and quality monitoring, or eventually scaled up to a contemporary water infrastructure enabling water providers and/or decision makers (i.e., governmental authorities, global water organization, etc.) to supervise and drive optimal decisions in challenging times. The inherent resilience and agility that the proposed system presents, along with the maturity of IoT communications and infrastructure, can lay the foundation for a robust smart water metering solution. Introducing a modular system can also allow for optimal consumer profiling while alleviating the upfront adoption cost by providers, environmental stewardship and an optimal response to emergencies. The provided system addresses the urbanization and technological gap in the smart water metering domain by presenting a modular IoT architecture with consumption and quality meters, along with machine learning capabilities to facilitate smart billing and user profiling.
Databáze: OpenAIRE