Left ventricular function in ambulatory dogs during experimental Adams-Stokes seizures

Autor: Robert L. Van Citters, Herbert D. Ruttenberg
Rok vydání: 1967
Zdroj: The American Journal of Cardiology. 20:350-355
ISSN: 0002-9149
DOI: 10.1016/0002-9149(67)90057-4
Popis: Left ventricular pressure and diameter and aortic blood flow were recorded during asystole in ambulatory dogs with chronic complete heart block. Asystole occurred spontaneously, or was induced by acetylstrophanthidin or pacemaker withdrawal, and was frequently accompanied by convulsions (Adams-Stokes seizures). Left ventricular diameter reached maximal size within one second of asystole and did not increase further even though asystole lasted up to 30 seconds. The end-diastolic diameter following such prolonged asystole was thus practically identical to that recorded at idioventricular rates. In some instances in which asystole exceeded 10 seconds, forward blood flow pulses recorded by the aortic flowmeter were in synchrony with atrial contraction.
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