Additional file 1 of Moonlight is a key entrainer of lunar clock in the brain of the tropical grouper with full moon preference

Autor: Kodai Fukunaga, Fumika Yamashina, Takeuchi, Yuki, Yamauchi, Chihiro, Takemura, Akihiro
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.12940543.v1
Popis: Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Nucleotide (top line) and deduced amino acid (bottom line) sequences (A), and multiple alignment of deduced amino acid sequence (B) of honeycomb grouper cry1. The number of nucleotide and amino acid are indicated on the right. Candidate region of FAD binding domain (PF03441) are underlined with single line. The asterisks indicate the fully conserved residues between proteins. Fig. S2. Nucleotide (top line) and deduced amino acid (bottom line) sequences (A), and multiple alignment of deduced amino acid sequence (B) of honeycomb grouper cry2. The number of nucleotide and amino acid are indicated on the right. Candidate region of FAD binding domain (PF03441) are underlined with single line. The asterisks indicate the fully conserved residues between proteins. Fig. S3. Nucleotide (top line) and deduced amino acid (bottom line) sequences (A), and multiple alignment of deduced amino acid sequence (B) of honeycomb grouper cry3. The number of nucleotide and amino acid are indicated on the right. Candidate region of FAD binding domain (PF03441) are underlined with single line and DNA photolyase domain (PF00875) is underlined with dotted line. The asterisks indicate the fully conserved residues between proteins. Fig. S4. RNA-seq analysis in the hypothalamus of honeycomb grouper. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between the new and full moon period (A). Red and blue lines show upregulated and downregulated DEGs, respectively. Gene ontology (GO) annotation is indicated beside on the plots summarized (B). Venn diagram of the number of GO annotation in the upregulated and downregulated DEGs (C).
Databáze: OpenAIRE