Degradation of cellulose and forage fiber fractions by ruminal cellulolytic bacteria alone and in coculture with phenolic monomer-degrading bacteria

Autor: V. H. Varel, Hans-Joachim G. Jung, L. R. Krumholz
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Journal of animal science. 69(12)
ISSN: 0021-8812
Popis: We hypothesized that bacterial species capable of metabolizing phenolic monomers may act as catalysts for forage fiber breakdown by increasing microbial access to cell wall polysaccharides. Ruminal cellulolytic bacteria alone and in combination with phenolic-degrading bacteria were examined for differences in their ability to degrade fiber fractions of alfalfa or bromegrass. Electron micrographs of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 cultured in combination with the ruminal phenolic-degrading organisms Eubacterium oxidoreducens G41 and Syntrophococcus sucromutans S195 indicated that bromegrass was degraded more extensively by the triculture than by the monoculture. The sequential detergent system was used to quantify the digestibility of fiber components from alfalfa and bromegrass. F. succinogenes incubated with the two phenolic-degrading organisms did not degrade more cell wall material than did F. succinogenes alone. However, with two other ruminal cellulolytic organisms, Clostridium longisporum B6405 and Ruminococcus albus B6403, greater (P less than .05, P less than .10, respectively) amounts of hemicellulose were degraded (72 h in vitro fermentation) from whole-plant alfalfa when E. oxidoreducens and S. sucromutants were combined with the cellulolytic species than when their monocultures were tested. Similar increases were not observed using a NDF preparation of alfalfa as the substrate. Based on these in vitro experiments, it does not seem that E. oxidoreducens and S. sucromutans play an important role in improving forage fiber degradation by cellulolytic ruminal bacteria.
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