Alterations In Gastrointestinal Steady-State Kinetics Associated With the Growth of Experimental Tumours

Autor: D. R. Burholt, C. J. Kovacs, M J Evans, Larry L. Schenken
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Cell Proliferation. 14:241-250
ISSN: 1365-2184
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2184.1981.tb00529.x
Popis: Changes in the growth kinetics of the intestinal epithelium were observed in mice bearing the Lewis lung carcinoma and the T1699 mammary adenocarcinoma and in rats bearing the H-4-II-E2 hepatoma. Proliferative activity in the jejunal tissue was markedly depressed with increasing tumour burden. Simultaneously, a significant reduction in total crypt cellularity occurred, followed by a reduction in villus height. While the total number of proliferative cells per crypt decreased, the relative proliferative compartment within the shrinking crypt increased. The rate of mucosal DNA synthesis remained constant during the initial cytokinetic changes, falling only after proliferative activity of the intestine was reduced to less than 50% of control levels. No general correlation could be drawn from the three tumour models studied between the level of gastrointestinal proliferation and tumour size, tumour growth rate or loss of weight by the tumour-bearing animals. However, intestinal proliferation was reduced by 50% when the tumour burden for each of the three tumours reached 6--8% of the host animal weight.
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