Formulation and evaluation of novel aspirin nanoparticles loaded suppositories

Autor: Sankar V. Ravi
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences.
ISSN: 1003-1057
Popis: 1. Department of Pharmaceutics, C.E.S College of Pharmacy, Kurnool 51812, India 2. Departments of Pharmaceutics, Q.I.S College of Pharmacy, Ongole 523002, India 3.Department of Chemistry, J.N.T.A University, Anantapur 515005, India Abstract: The main objective of the present work is to design aspirin nanoparticles loaded suppositories which will reduce the side effects caused by aspirin suppositories. Aspirin nanoparticles were prepared initially based on ionic ­gelation mechanism and lyophilized. The prepared nanoparticles were evaluated, and the results confirmed that Fa9 formulation was the best with grea ter drug entrapment efficiency. Aspirin suppositories were prepared in order to investigate the best base composition. The prepared suppositories were evaluated and FS1, FS3, FS4, FS8, FS11, and FS12 were proved to be the best base compositions based on disso lution performed. The lyophilized aspirin nanoparticles of Fa9 were used to prepare aspirin nanoparticles loaded suppositorie s. The in vitro results revealed that Fas11 was the best formulation. Keywords: Suppositories; Ionic­gelation method; Rectal carcinoma; Aspirin; Lyophilization CLC number: R943 Document code: A Article ID: 1003– 1057(2013)3–258–09
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