High extraction efficiency source of photon pairs based on a quantum dot embedded in a broadband micropillar cavity

Autor: Laia Ginés, Magdalena Moczała-Dusanowska, David Dlaka, Radim Hošák, Junior R. Gonzales-Ureta, Jaewon Lee, Miroslav Ježek, Edmund Harbord, Ruth Oulton, Sven Höfling, Andrew B. Young, Christian Schneider, Ana Predojević
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2112.13074
Popis: The generation of photon pairs in single quantum dots is based on a process that is, in its nature, deterministic. However, an efficient extraction of these photon pairs from a high-index semiconductor host material requires engineering of the photonic environment. We report on a micropillar-based device featuring an extraction efficiency of 69.4(10)$\%$ that is achieved by harnessing a broadband operation suitable for extraction of photon pairs emitted from a single quantum dot. Opposing the approaches that rely solely on Purcell enhancement to realize the enhancement of the extraction efficiency, our solution exploits a suppression of the emission into the modes other than the cavity mode. Our technological implementation requires modest fabrication effort enabling higher device yields that can be scaled up to meet the growing needs of quantum technologies. Furthermore, the design of the device can be further optimized to allow for an extraction efficiency of 85$\%$.
Databáze: OpenAIRE