Supplemental material 1 for Rationale, design, and baseline participant characteristics in the MRI and cognitive substudy of the cardiovascular outcomes for people using anticoagulation strategies trial

Autor: Sharma, Mukul, Hart, Robert G, Smith, Eric E, Bosch, Jackie, Yuan, Fei, Casanova, Amparo, Eikelboom, John W, Connolly, Stuart J, Wong, Gloria, Diaz, Rafael, Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio, Ertl, Georg, Störk, Stefan, Dagenais, Gilles R, Lonn, Eva M, Ryden, Lars, Tonkin, Andrew M, Varigos, John D, Bhatt, Deepak L, Branch, Kelley RH, Probstfield, Jeffrey L, Kim, Jae-Hyung, Ha, Jong-Won, O’Donnell, Martin, Dragos Vinereanu, Fox, Keith AA, Liang, Yan, Lisheng Liu, Zhu, Jun, Pogosova, Nana, Maggioni, Aldo P, Avezum, Alvaro, Piegas, Leopoldo S, Keltai, Katalin, Matyas Keltai, Bruns, Nancy Cook, Berkowitz, Scott, Yusuf, Salim
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.25384/sage.6881708
Popis: Supplemental material 1 for Rationale, design, and baseline participant characteristics in the MRI and cognitive substudy of the cardiovascular outcomes for people using anticoagulation strategies trial by Mukul Sharma, Robert G Hart, Eric E Smith, Jackie Bosch, Fei Yuan, Amparo Casanova, John W Eikelboom, Stuart J Connolly, Gloria Wong, Rafael Diaz, Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo, Georg Ertl, Stefan Störk, Gilles R Dagenais, Eva M Lonn, Lars Ryden, Andrew M Tonkin, John D Varigos, Deepak L Bhatt, Kelley RH Branch, Jeffrey L Probstfield, Jae-Hyung Kim, Jong-Won Ha, Martin O’Donnell, Dragos Vinereanu, Keith AA Fox, Yan Liang, Lisheng Liu, Jun Zhu, Nana Pogosova, Aldo P Maggioni, Alvaro Avezum, Leopoldo S Piegas, Katalin Keltai, Matyas Keltai, Nancy Cook Bruns, Scott Berkowitz and Salim Yusuf in International Journal of Stroke
Databáze: OpenAIRE