Digital cadastral map as foundation of coordinate based cadastre of Serbia

Autor: D. Mihajlovic, Z. Cvijetinovic, M. Avramovic
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Survey Review
ISSN: 1752-2706
DOI: 10.1179/1752270614y.0000000131
Popis: The subject of the research is the methodology for the successful production of the digital cadastral map (DCM) database in a new spatial reference system (SRS) of Serbia. The DCM is treated as the basis for establishment of the coordinate based cadastre (CBC) in Serbia. The research is focused on the following: the status of the state survey data especially regarding analogue cadastral maps and state geodetic reference network, production of DCM database, the introduction of a new spatial reference system, and legislation covering this field in Serbia. The existing geodetic/surveying network for cadastral/topographic survey and analogue cadastral maps are analysed in terms of their quality. The research also covers an analysis of present methods and procedures for DCM production using data obtained from various sources. Coordinate differences for DCM points and differences between areas of polygon features obtained using original survey data and those obtained by digitising scanned cadastral maps are analysed. The procedure of legislating information letters and resolutions on changes of areas within the DCM production procedure and the impact of the transition from the Gauss-Kruger to the UTM projection on areas for DCM polygon features are also analysed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE