Non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: management recommendations

Autor: A. Alcaraz Asensio, J.L. Alvarez Ossorio, J.M. Cozar Olmo, V. Chantada Abal, A. Juarez Soto, E. Linares Espinos, J. Moreno Jimenez, J. Muñoz Rodriguez, D. Perez Fentes, A. Plata Bello, M. Rodrigo Aliaga, M. Unda Urzaiz, A. Vilaseca
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Actas urologicas espanolas. 46(4)
ISSN: 2173-5786
Popis: Survival and quality of life (QoL) of patients with non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) deteriorate significantly when they develop metastases. New generation antiandrogens (apalutamide, enzalutamide and darolutamide) can prolong metastasis-free survival (MFS) and overall survival (OS) in these patients, maintaining their QoL.After the performance of a systematic review of the literature, a scientific committee reached a consensus on simple and practical recommendations to consolidate and improve the management of patients with nmCRPC in urology consultations.Recommendations are made on the frequency of PSA determination and imaging tests in patients with nmCRPC. The importance of co-morbidities in patients with nmCRPC is also highlighted, and recommendations are also made on functional and QoL assessment that can be carried out during urology consultations. The efficacy, safety, and effects on QoL of new generation antiandrogens are reviewed.To evaluate treatment of patients with nmCRPC, it is necessary to consider co-morbidities and QoL, in addition to age. New generation antiandrogens are a safe and effective treatment option for patients with nmCRPC. The recommendations of this review can be helpful in optimizing the management of nmCRPC patients in urology consultations.
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