Software tool for reliability based distribution network analysis

Autor: Pekka Verho, J. Jarvinen, Jouni Pylvänäinen, M. Oravasaari
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Tampere University
Popis: This paper presents advanced reliability based network analysis for distribution network. Analysis includes enhanced failure rate model, which has been developed based on failure statistics and engineering judgement. Practical fault management procedures have also been implemented as part of the network analysis. Furthermore, outage cost model to take into account outage costs caused both for utility and for customers are implemented in order to attain financial results for cost optimisation. The described methods are implemented in software tool and presented shortly in this paper. The focus of the paper is to present practical implementation of the application. Also demonstration case is presented to show how application can be used in network planning. The case is also used to evaluate implemented software tool itself.
Databáze: OpenAIRE