Lamyctes Meinert 1868

Autor: Edgecombe, Gregory D.
Rok vydání: 2004
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6270932
Popis: Lamyctes Meinert, 1868 = Lamyctinus Silvestri, 1909 = Metalamyctes Verhoeff, 1941 = Remylamyctes Attems, 1951, n. synonymy Type species: Lamyctes fulvicornis Meinert, 1868 [= L. emarginatus (Newport, 1844)]. Assigned species: See Edgecombe & Giribet (2003: 2���3) for complete list. Discussion: Synonymy of Remylamyctes with Lamyctes is proposed herein based on restudy of the type species, R. straminea. Some characters that Attems (1951) cited as diagnostic of Remylamyctes are descriptive errors. Most notably, the genus was said to have spiracles on only three segments, 5, 10 and 12, but the specimens consistently show the seven pairs of spiracles diagnostic of Henicopini (spiracles on segments 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 14). Several specimens have spiracles on the supposed spiracle��free segments as prominent as those on segments 5, 10 and 12. A lack of distal spinose projections on any tibiae was cited as another diagnostic character of Remylamyctes. Attems��� types demonstrate that R. straminea in fact has a slender, spine��like, sclerotised projection in the usual henicopid postion on the tibiae of legs 1���11 (Fig. 23). The labral sidepiece was diagnosed and figured (Attems 1951: fig. 24) as having just a single spinule (the transverse seta that projects across the midpiece: Fig. 14); Attems (1951: 184) described the labral sidepieces with ���pas d���autres poils���, alluding to the absence of a fringe of branching bristles that is seen in all other Lithobiomorpha. In fact, a fringe of branching bristles projects beyond the labral margin (Fig. 15). Lamyctes straminea is typical of Lamyctes in its tergite shapes (all tergites lacking projections: Fig. 1), tarsal segmentation (tarsi of legs 1���12 undivided, those of legs 13���15 in two parts: Figs. 4���7), the narrow, curved dental margin of the maxillipede coxosternum (Fig. 12), and conical, seta��like pseudoporodont in addition to two teeth on each dental margin (Fig. 13). Structure of the pretarsal claws is identical to other Lamyctes, including such distinctive characters as a long posteroventral spine (Fig. 8) with a short subsidiary spine (Fig. 9), divergence of the accessory claws relative to the main claw (Fig. 11), and a lack of rimmed pores beneath the base of the accessory claws (see Edgecombe 2004 a: figs. 3 A, 7 B for L. coeculus). The mandible possesses an autapomorphic character of Lamyctes, multifurcating, scale��like accessory denticles on the dorsal mandibular tooth (Figs. 18, 19). Mandibular fine structure is identical to that of L. coeculus (Br��lemann, 1889) (Edgecombe et al. 2002: fig. 6 D; Edgecombe 2004 b: fig. 38 E), including the number of aciculae and the form of the pinnules along their margins (Fig. 17), and the smooth, scale��like region between the accessory denticles and furry pad (Fig. 19). A lack of ocelli is likewise observed in Lamyctes coeculus and L. hellyeri Edgecombe & Giribet, 2003. These blind species of Lamyctes further resemble L. straminea in being parthenogenetic throughout most (L. coeculus) or all (single locality for L. hellyeri) of their geographic ranges. The specific synonymy of Lamyctes straminea and L. coeculus is argued below. Remylamyctes falls into junior subjective synonymy with Lamyctes.
Published as part of Edgecombe, Gregory D., 2004, Remylamyctes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha), a henicopid centipede from Madagascar and R��union, pp. 1-11 in Zootaxa 686 on pages 2-3, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158560
{"references":["Meinert, F. (1868) Danmarks scolopender og lithobier. Naturhistorisk Tiddskrift, 5, 241 - 268.","Silvestri, F. (1909) Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Chilopoda, III. Descrizione di alcuni generi e specie di Henicopidae. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria, Portici, 4, 38 - 50.","Verhoeff, K. W. (1941) Myriapoden der Insel Fernando Po. X. Beitrag zu den wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen der Forschungsreise H. Eidmann nach Spanisch-Guinea 1939 / 40. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 136, 89 - 98.","Attems, C. (1951) Myriapodes d'Afrique, de Madagascar et de la Reunion recoltes par le Pr. Paul Remy. Memoires de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar, Serie A, 5, 173 - 186.","Newport, G. (1844) A list of the species of Myriapoda, order Chilopoda, contained in the cabinets of the British Museum, with a synoptic description of forty-seven species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 13, 94 - 101.","Edgecombe, G. D. & Giribet, G. (2003) A new blind Lamyctes (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha) from Tasmania with an analysis of molecular sequence data for the Lamyctes - Henicops Group. Zootaxa, 152, 1 - 23.","Edgecombe, G. D. (2004 a) Monophyly of Lithobiomorpha (Chilopoda): new characters from the pretarsal claws. Insect Systematics and Evolution, 35, 29 - 41.","Brolemann, H. (1889) Contributions a la faune myriapodologique mediterraneenne. Annales de la Societe Linneenne de Lyon, 35, 273 - 284.","Edgecombe, G. D., Giribet, G. & Wheeler, W. C. (2002) Phylogeny of Henicopidae (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha): a combined analysis of morphology and five molecular loci. Systematic Entomology, 27, 31 - 64.","Edgecombe, G. D. (2004 b) The henicopid centipede Haasiella (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha): new species from Australia, with a morphology-based phylogeny of Henicopidae. Journal of Natural History, 38, 37 - 76."]}
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