Aerobic H2 respiration enhances metabolic flexibility of methanotrophic bacteria

Autor: Carlo R Carere, Matthew B. Stott, Ben McDonald, Chris Greening, Gregory M. Cook, Richard Sparling, Kiel Hards, Daniel J. Gapes, Jean F. Power, Christophe Collet, Karen M. Houghton
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.1101/075549
Popis: Methanotrophic bacteria are important soil biofilters for the climate-active gas methane. The prevailing opinion is that these bacteria exclusively metabolise single-carbon, and in limited instances, short-chain hydrocarbons for growth. This specialist lifestyle juxtaposes metabolic flexibility, a key strategy for environmental adaptation of microorganisms. Here we show that a methanotrophic bacterium from the phylum Verrucomicrobia oxidises hydrogen gas (H2) during growth and persistence.Methylacidiphilumsp. RTK17.1 expresses a membrane-bound hydrogenase to aerobically respire molecular H2at environmentally significant concentrations. While H2oxidation did not support growth as the sole electron source, it significantly enhanced mixotrophic growth yields under both oxygen-replete and oxygen-limiting conditions and was sustained in non-growing cultures starved for methane. We propose that H2is consumed by this bacterium for mixotrophic growth and persistence in a manner similar to other non-methanotrophic soil microorganisms. We have identified genes encoding oxygen-tolerant uptake hydrogenases in all publicly-available methanotroph genomes, suggesting that H2oxidation serves a general strategy for methanotrophs to remain energised in chemically-limited environments.
Databáze: OpenAIRE