Terellia amberboae V. Korneyev & Merz 1996

Autor: Zarghani, Ebrahim, Khaghaninia, Samad, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade, Korneyev, Valery A.
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6042331
Popis: Terellia amberboae V. Korneyev & Merz, 1996 Figs. 1���7. Korneyev & Merz, 1996: 57; Korneyev & Evstigneev, 2007: 70. Type material. Holotype ♂: ��� Uzbekistan: 470 m, Fergana valley, Yaz���yavan region, 18.v.1994, ex flower heads of Amberboa bucharica, em. 19.v���7.vi.1994 ��� (Merz) (MHNG). Paratypes: 13 ♂, 15 ♀, same data as in the holotype; 3 ♂, 6 ♀, same locality, [swept], 17.v.1994; 15 ♂, 1 ♀, same locality, [swept], 18.v.1994 (Merz); 30 ♂, 60 ♀, same, 17.v.1994, ex flower heads of A. bucharica, em. 21���30.v.1994 (Korneyev) (SIZK, ETHZ, MHNG and some other collections). Non-type specimens: Kazakhstan: Ili River 10 km N of Utsh-Zharma, 2.vi.1977, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ both in poor condition (Ivannikov) (SIZK); Russia: Ulyanovsk Region: Malaya Atmala near Srednikovo, Radischevo District (52��56' N, 48��55' E), chalky steppe, 9.v.2004, 1 ♂ (Evstigneev) (DECU). Description. Head (Fig. 2): slightly longer than high; HR = 1: 1���1.1: 1.35���1.45; frontofacial angle acute; frontal ratio 1.0���1.3; first flagellomere ratio 1.4���2.1; ratio of genal height/length of first flagellomere 0.4���0.6; genal height / eye height ratio 0.2���0.3; haustellum-antennal ratio 1.5���2.2. Frontal plate with light yellow setulae. Postocular setae all white. Peristomal setulae white, not spread anterodorsally beyond vibrissal edge, shorter than 0.5 of distance between genal and ventral margin of gena; setulae anterior to genal seta short, yellow, subequal peristomal setulae; occipital setae white. Flagellomere 1 with convex dorsal margin (Figs. 2, 3). Palp pale yellow, moderately long and narrow, mostly with yellow and 2���5 brown setae at apex; not extending beyond oral cavity. Thorax (Fig. 1): scutum with black lyrate pattern, white microtrichose, lateral postsutural vittae separated; central mark posteriorly reaching dorsocentral setae; one postsutural dorsocentral seta aligned with postsutural supra-alar setae, presutural dorsocentral setae not developed; no black shining spots at bases of setae; pleura light yellow with orange stripe and black to red triangular mark on katepisternum in male and unicolorous yellow with brown or reddish mark on katepisternum in female; pleura sparsely microtrichose; postpronotum and dorsal portion of anepisternum densely and moderately long white setulose; scutellum bright shining yellow, without black spots, with 2 pairs of subequal setae and 7���9 white marginal setulae; bases of scutellar setae in yellow field; mediottergite black, microtrichose laterally. Legs orange-yellow, fore femur with two rows of posterodorsal brownish-yellow setae and one row of white posteroventral setae. Wing: hyaline with pattern consisting of yellow pterostigma, in male three yellow spots: one in pterostigma, two in cell r1, sometimes with faint additional spots in cell r2+3 (Figs. 1, 4), in female wing almost hyaline, with two pale yellow spots only in cell r1; distal section of vein M 1.5���2.2 times longer than section between crossveins r-m and dm-cu; cell bcu (=cup) with short posteroapical lobe not reaching level of bm-cu crossvein. WL ♂ = 3.5���4.2 (mean 3.8), WL ♀ = 3.9���6.0 (mean 4.5) mm. Abdomen: yellow; all tergites white setulose, with yellow or brownish-yellow marginal setae; tergites 3���5 (���6) each with 2 black spots mediobasally; in male these dark spots very small, usually hidden underneath margin of preceding tergite (Fig. 1); male tergite 5 slightly longer than broad, shorter than 0.4 of abdomen length, without lateroapical black marks; in female dark spots on tergites 3���6 large, as wide as or wider than yellow area between them. Male terminalia: epandrium oval; lateral surstylus apicomedially densely papillose; cerci papillose and wrinkled (Korneyev & Merz 1996: fig. 3). Female terminalia: aculeus apically acute (Fig. 7); AL = 1.2���1.6 mm (mean 1.47), AL/C2 = 1.4���1.7 (mean 1.51); spermathecae with short and narrow apical portion of duct (Fig. 6). Host plant (Fig. 16���17). The larvae develop in flower heads of Amberboa bucharica and very probably A. turanica (Asteraceae: Asteroideae: Cardueae: Centaureinae); the latter plant is the only species of Amberboa occurring in Malaya Atmala, Russia, where the species was collected by sweeping.
Published as part of Zarghani, Ebrahim, Khaghaninia, Samad, Namin, Saeed Mohamadzade & Korneyev, Valery A., 2017, Revision of Terellia amberboae group of species (Diptera: Tephritidae), pp. 142-150 in Zootaxa 4221 (1) on pages 143-145, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.246792
{"references":["Korneyev, V. A. & Merz, B. (1996) A new species of the genus Terellia (Diptera: Tephritidae) from Central Asia. Journal of Ukrainian Entomological Society, (1994 - 1995), 2 (2), 57 - 62.","Korneyev, V. A. & Evstigneev, D. A. (2007) The first record of Terellia amberboae (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Russia and Europe. Festnik Zoologii, 41 (1), 1 - 70."]}
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