Causality and the arrow of time in the branch‐cut cosmology

Autor: Benno Bodmann, César A. Zen Vasconcellos, José de Freitas Pacheco, Peter O. Hess, Dimiter Hadjimichef
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Astronomische Nachrichten. 344
ISSN: 1521-3994
Popis: We basis our initial analysis of the arrow of time on a relationship between the time evolution operator of quantum system and the time-independent density operator which describes the equilibrium state of a many-particle system at temperature $T$. We highlight through this analysis the identification of the imaginary temporal component of the branch-cut complex cosmic form factor with the direction in which the time-parameter flows globally, or the arrow of time. As a novelty, in this work we calculate the number of branches in the branch-cut universe to achieve causality involving the global time of evolution of the universe and the local time of travel of the light around each Hubble horizon. The preliminary result obtained is comparable to 60 e-folds of contraction in the FLRW cosmic scale factor $a(t) $ to overcome causality achieved in the bouncing model.
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