Additional file 4 of Sequencing, de novo annotation and analysis of the first Anguilla anguilla transcriptome: EeelBase opens new perspectives for the study of the critically endangered european eel

Autor: Coppe, Alessandro, Pujolar, Jose Martin, Maes, Gregory E, Larsen, Peter F, Hansen, Michael M, Bernatchez, Louis, Zane, Lorenzo, Bortoluzzi, Stefania
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14434838
Popis: Additional file 4:Additional Table. Mapping of the 122,193 GO terms associated to the European eel contigs to a total of 124 GO-Slim ancestor terms by single count. (DOC 130 KB)
Databáze: OpenAIRE