NBS1 protein from Physcomitrium patens confers protection against oxidative damage by limiting the accumulation of cellular reactive oxygen species

Autor: Arup Das, Shuddhanjali Roy, Gouranga Upadhyaya, Tanushree Agarwal, Sudipta Ray
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 180:81-90
ISSN: 0981-9428
Popis: Nijmegen breakage syndrome 1 (NBS1) protein is a core member of the MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex that plays a crucial role in DNA damage sensing and repair in plants. Here we report that NBS1 from moss Physcomitrium patens reduces oxidative damage by lowering the cellular ROS in addition to its known role in oxidative DNA damage recovery. Real-time transcript analysis showed up-regulation of the PpNBS1 transcript under different stress conditions. Bacterial cells showed better cell survivability upon over-expressing PpNBS1 protein as compared to untransformed cells. Likewise, overexpression of PpNBS1 in tobacco plants provides improved protection against oxidative damage and exhibited a lesser amount of ROS upon exposure to oxidative stress. Moreover, PpNBS1 contributes to the antioxidant defense mechanism by positively regulating the expression of the antioxidant genes under stress conditions in transgenic tobacco plants. PpNBS1 expressing transgenic tobacco plants resulted in lesser membrane damage, lower lipid peroxidation level, and higher chlorophyll content under stress conditions. Taken together, we conclude in addition to its known role as DNA damage sensor, PpNBS1 also plays a definite role in oxidative stress mitigation by minimizing ROS accumulation in the cell.
Databáze: OpenAIRE