Tabulae pictae at the Petris-Moise Palace in Cres

Autor: Tea Sušanj Protić
Jazyk: němčina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ars Adriatica, Vol 8, Pp 81-104 (2018)
Ars Adriatica
Issue 8
ISSN: 1848-7459
Popis: U radu su analizirani novi nalazi renesansnih drvenih stropova u palači Petris-Moise u Cresu ukrašeni oslikanim pločicama i zidni oslici. Elementi konstrukcija tehnički su sofisticirani, izrađeni sukladno renesansnim traktatima o arhitekturi, primjerice kompozitna masivna greda tzv. trave leonardesca. Oslikane stropne pločice po načinu ugradnje i oslikavanja za sada su jedinstven nalaz na području Hrvatske, ali su srodne brojnim ciklusima oslika na stropnim pločicama iz razdoblja od 14. pa do polovice 16. stoljeća u plemićkim rezidencijama južne Francuske, Španjolske, Švicarske i sjeverne Italije. Po dimenzijama, korištenim pigmentima, načinu ugradnje i slikanja te zastupljenim motivima najsličnije su primjerima iz Furlanije. Razlika je u tome što creski primjeri skoro u cijelosti pripadaju likovnom jeziku groteski jer nastaju nešto kasnije, u vrijeme pune afirmacije te vrste dekorativnog repertoara. Konstrukcije i dekorativni elementi pripadaju renesansnoj pregradnji iz druge polovice 16. stoljeća kada su oslikani i zidovi. Temeljem analize grbova i zastupljenih motiva te usporedbe s povijesnim podacima o članovima obitelji Petris identificiran je naručitelj, carski zlatni vitez Ivan Juraj Petris, bliski rođak Frane Petrisa, a iznesena je i pretpostavka kako je ciklus oslika nastao pod utjecajem tog znamenitog renesansnog filozofa.
This paper presents the new finds of Renaissance wooden ceilings at the Petris-Moise Palace in Cres, decorated with painted panels and mural paintings. The construction elements, such as the composite massive beam known as trave leonardesca, are tech- nically sophisticated and constructed in accordance with the Renaissance treatises on architecture. The painted ceiling panels are still a unique find in Croatia as to their installation and painting method, but are related to numerous painting cycles in the noble residences of southern France, Spain, Switzerland and northern Italy dating from the 14th until the mid-16th century. As for the dimensions, the pigments used, the installation and painting method, and the represented motifs, the closest analogy has been found in some Friulan examples. The difference, however, is that the Cres examples almost entirely belong to the visual language of grotesque, since they were produced somewhat later, at the time when this kind of decorative repertoire had already become highly appreciated. The constructions and decorative elements are a result of the Renaissance rebuilding in the second half of the 16th century, when the walls were painted as well. Based on an analysis of the heraldic symbols and motifs, and their comparison with the historical data on the Petris family, the commissioner has been identified as the Imperial Golden Knight Ivan Juraj Petris, a close relative of Franciscus Patricius (Petris). It has been assumed that the painting cycle was created under the influence of this renowned Renaissance philosopher.
Databáze: OpenAIRE