The Photo-Favorskii Reaction of p-Hydroxyphenacyl Compounds Is Initiated by Water-Assisted, Adiabatic Extrusion of a Triplet Biradical

Autor: Jong I. Lee, Julio F. Mata-Segreda, Jakob Wirz, II Peter G. Conrad, Elizabeth D. Cope, Bruno Hellrung, Richard S. Givens, Marek Mac, Yavor Kamdzhilov, Richard L. Schowen, Dominik Heger
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 130:3307-3309
ISSN: 1520-5126
Popis: The p-hydroxyphenacyl group 1 is an effective photoremovable protecting group, because it undergoes an unusual photo-Favorskii rearrangement concomitant with the fast release (
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