The Effectiveness of Traditional Games on the Development of Social Ability of Children in Kindergarten of Baiturridha Padang Pariaman

Autor: Marlina, Serli
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.31227/
Popis: This study aims to find out how big the effectiveness of traditional games on the Development of Social Capabilities of Children in Baiturridha Kindergarten Padang Pariaman. Research type is Quantitative research with experiment method. The sample of this study was determined based on Cluster Sampling. Instrument research using instrument grille. Instrument analysis by performing test validity and test reliability. Technique of collecting data by doing observation and test. Technique of data analysis using normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test. The result of this research shows that t count > t table, that is 9,037> 2,073, it can be concluded that the development of social ability of children in experimental class using traditional game is more effective than control class using modern game.
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