Aspiration cytology and outpatient excision of breast lumps

Autor: HelenaE. Hughes, B.W.A. Williamson, J.N. Primrose, S.N. Joffe
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Lancet (London, England). 2(8137)
ISSN: 0140-6736
Popis: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed in 30 consecutive women with clinically non-malignant breast lumps. All aspirates were shown to be benign on cytology and the lumps were excised under local anaesthetic at the outpatient department. Frozen section and paraffin section histology of the excised lump confirmed the diagnosis. Follow-up at the outpatient department and a postal questionnaire revealed the following wound complications: redness (70%), bruising (55%), and discharge (35%). Outpatient excision of solid breast lumps is a safe, rapid, and economical method of treating non-malignant breast lumps, if it is preceded by an accurate cytological interpretation of a technically satisfactory aspirate.
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