Hypoxia increases AP-1 binding activity by enhancing capacitative Ca2+entry in human pulmonary artery endothelial cells

Autor: Shen Zhang, Ivana Fantozzi, Carmelle V. Remillard, Jason X.-J. Yuan, Oleksandr Platoshyn, Randy T. Cowling
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 285:L1233-L1245
ISSN: 1522-1504
DOI: 10.1152/ajplung.00445.2002
Popis: Activating protein (AP)-1 transcription factors modulate expression of genes involved in cell proliferation and migration. Chronic hypoxia increases pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell proliferation by upregulating AP-1-responsive genes encoding for endothelium-derived vasoactive and mitogenic factors implicated in pulmonary hypertension development. The expression of AP-1 transcription factors is sensitive to changes in cytosolic free [Ca2+] ([Ca2+]cyt). Capacitative Ca2+entry (CCE) via store-operated Ca2+channels (SOC) is an important mechanism for raising [Ca2+]cytin pulmonary artery endothelial cells (PAEC). Using combined molecular biological, fluorescence microscopy, and biophysical approaches, we examined the effect of chronic hypoxia (3% O2, 72 h) on AP-1 DNA binding activity, CCE, and transient receptor potential (TRP) gene expression in human (h) PAEC. EMSA showed that AP-1 binding to hPAEC nuclear protein extracts was significantly enhanced by hypoxia, the increase being dependent on store-operated Ca2+influx and sensitive to La3+, an SOC inhibitor. Hypoxia also increased basal [Ca2+]cyt, the amount of CCE produced by store depletion with cyclopiazonic acid, and the amplitude of SOC-mediated currents ( ISOC). The increases of CCE amplitude and ISOCcurrent density by hypoxia were paralleled by enhanced TRPC4 mRNA and protein expression. Hypoxia-enhanced CCE and TRPC4 expression were also attenuated by La3+. These data suggest that hypoxia increases AP-1 binding activity by enhancing Ca2+influx via La3+-sensitive TRP-encoded SOC channels in hPAEC. The Ca2+-mediated increase in AP-1 binding may play an important role in upregulating AP-1-responsive gene expression, in stimulating pulmonary vascular cell proliferation and, ultimately, in pulmonary vascular remodeling in patients with hypoxia-mediated pulmonary hypertension.
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