Mid-Air Tactile Stimulation Using Indirect Laser Radiation

Autor: Hojin Lee, Ji-Sun Kim, Jae-Young Kim, Hyung-Sik Kim, Jong-Rak Park, Soon-Cheol Chung, Seungmoon Choi, Han-Byeol Oh, Jae-Hoon Jun, A-Hee Kim, Jun-Hyeok Baek, Seung-Jin Yang
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: IEEE transactions on haptics. 9(4)
ISSN: 2329-4051
Popis: In this paper, we demonstrate that a laser irradiated on a thin light-absorbing elastic medium attached on the skin can elicit a tactile sensation of mechanical tap. First, we present simulation results that show laser irradiation to the elastic medium creates inner elastic waves on the basis of thermoelastic effects and these elastic waves trigger the bending deformation of the medium, which then stimulates the skin. Second, we analyze the physical properties of the associated stimulus by measuring its force profile. Third, we identify the perceptual characteristics of the stimulus in comparison to those of mechanical and electrical stimuli by means of a perceptual experiment employing dissimilarity rating. All the evidence indicates that indirect laser radiation provides a sensation of short mechanical tap. Furthermore, little individual difference was observed in the results of the perceptual experiment. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first in reporting the feasibility of indirect laser radiation for mid-air tactile rendering.
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